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  1. G

    To Flush or Not To Flush That Is the Question?

    Well i got you to open it with the little douche bag tag line. lol. Anyways I am growing some of Sannies wears. KO Kush, Jack Berry, and the Anestisia. Now I have them under a 150 for veg which is right at 6 weeks. The Ko started showing Mag deficences and it is the biggest tallest plant...
  2. G

    Have you ever seen a plant with a really odd texture.

    sorry guys i will go and get a few pictures up seeing that everyone has taken the time to read this and try to help. anyways what i did was put the seeds in the plugs. after the taproots popped out i took them out of the prop tray. now the ez cloner is going to be a ezcloner but i am...
  3. G

    Have you ever seen a plant with a really odd texture.

    sorry about the picture so i will get somthing better for you guys. there are only two that look that way. theey look rough a little stunned growth but green. you know how they look under MH. I have a quick one for you guys. i have made a ez cloner and used it to put my 19 plants into after...
  4. G

    Have you ever seen a plant with a really odd texture.

    i have the jack berry and a ko kush plant that are still growing but they have this odd texture and seem to be growing really slow. now i know you might say this guy just logged on here to get this answer and then he's gone. well i had another account on here that i have used for a year or so...
  5. G

    What kind of setup is this?

    I'm sorry I may have read it wrong. I think that you want to know a company so sorry.
  6. G

    What kind of setup is this?

    Looks like a drip system. They may have another name but if you call it a drip system everyone will know what it is that you are saying.