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  1. F

    6 weeks into flower plants not too happy help please

    Thanks for the input everyone! I think I learned my lesson on last (first grow) about over watering and these gals get water until a small amount 5-10% of runoff then left to dry out until the pots are very lite. 3-4days. Has not been a problem throughout this grow so far. As I mentioned...
  2. F

    6 weeks into flower plants not too happy help please

    I’m 6 weeks into flower and this past week and a half my girls are looking a little pale and sickly. I have approx 3-4 weeks to harvest. Help diagnosing potential problem(s)...Deficiency? Excess? Light stress?. Growing in promix HP. PH of feed/water 6.2-6.5 in with runoff the same. Good...
  3. F

    Losing the battle with first grow in promix HP, help!

    25 days into flower they’ve survived alot of abuse and seem to be doing well
  4. F

    Losing the battle with first grow in promix HP, help!

    Thanks MJ Yes killing them with love when things started to go sideways :(. I like your watering measures and will adopt and adapt as the plants tell me. A couple of things: 1) I am in Pro mix HP is this not a soil less medium? Why is there so much conflicting info. Many say PM is a soiless...
  5. F

    Losing the battle with first grow in promix HP, help!

    Thanks all for the advice mucho appreciated! The plants should be ready for some water in a day or two. I will add cal mag to this watering as suggested. Should I also add a little liquid kelp to this watering. What is the best way to add microbes into the medium? I will also skewer the...
  6. F

    Losing the battle with first grow in promix HP, help!

    The initial watering with the runoff/ flush after transplant I did add a light amount of cal mag (1ml/l). I will try the cal mag foliant spray. It has also been suggested a foliant spray with diluted liquid seaweed (yes or no?). My light is a 320w 3qb LED it is 28” above the plants and running...
  7. F

    Losing the battle with first grow in promix HP, help!

    Trying to get PH up to 6.0-6.5 ..good or not? Epsom salt flush idea was from a grower been doing medium scale for 3 yrs. Obviously super bad idea just pushed my ppms way up. I was told by many to water pro mix until you just start to get a little runoff to make sure the medium is wet all the...
  8. F

    Losing the battle with first grow in promix HP, help!

    From the beginning in solo cups I have been watering until it just starts to run out the bottom. Let the promix dry until the pots are really light (apparently not lite enough). The last watering at transplant, the excessive runoff was to try and get the PH up and the ppm’s down. I am using...
  9. F

    Losing the battle with first grow in promix HP, help!

    Nightmare first grow with Promix HP. Battles with low PH, nutrient toxicity/deficiency/lockout, overwatering.. you name it. Plants are now 7 weeks old from seed. Just transplanted 6 days ago into 3gal pots of promix from 1gal where they were root bound, droopy, and off colour (pale). On...
  10. F

    From nutrient burn to deficiency? help please

    Exactly I’m gave them 25-50% of the recommended for seedlings and this is what happened. First time with these Green Planet Nutes maybe just really concentrate I don’t know. Will try using EC/ppm as suggested above for better control.
  11. F

    From nutrient burn to deficiency? help please

    Thanks I will try this next feeding. And yes I agree Idon’t understand how it could be overwatering. I’ve always let the pot dry out til it is really lite then only water til it starts to just come out the bottom. Is it possible I got a bad batch of pro mix and it is holding the water too...
  12. F

    From nutrient burn to deficiency? help please

    I have a Green Gelato I started from seed in a solo cup in pro mix HP under some t5 lighting. At day 15 she was doing awesome (see pic 1). Gave 2 mild feedings of green planet Medi One at 50% strength recommended for seedlings. Day 11 and day 14. Day 16 transplanted into 1gal pot of Pro mix HP...
  13. F

    Broke main top..heavy handed LST.. suggestions please

    Looking much better tonight seem to have gotten lucky and only benefited from the broken top
  14. F

    Broke main top..heavy handed LST.. suggestions please

    Are you suggesting that it may hermmie on me?
  15. F

    Broke main top..heavy handed LST.. suggestions please

    Gotta love this plant! Growing is always full of surprises, resilient adaptive buggers.
  16. F

    Broke main top..heavy handed LST.. suggestions please

    It appears that that is happening which was my intention in LSTing in the first place. I was trying to get some light to the new branches at each node by exposing them ..that plant is thick/dense like a friggin cabbage
  17. F

    Broke main top..heavy handed LST.. suggestions please

    Unintentional supercropping leading to bigger yield. I Like it!