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  1. R

    help on feeding

    I agree with Mad - Usually I dont start feeding till 3 or 4 sets of leaves have developed. Then I start half or quarter strength of whatever I am using, and increase from there while watching for problems. *edit* I should also mention I grow in soil. Im not familiar with NFT, so hopefully...
  2. R

    On average how much does one plant yield (growing outside)

    How hard is it to hit the 5-10 pound plant goal if you start them indoors in October and put them out once spring hits? I imagine with the right setup and basic know how you could hit 5lb plants with ease doing it that way. This is all assuming legal grow, your land, research, no extreme...
  3. R


    Also, any good suggestions on Hand held vapes? Too many options to choose from >.< Here, lets see if this works. If you were a light smoker (a joint a day at most usually) and were going to buy a vaporizer which one would you choose?
  4. R


    Thanks everyone :) Guess no matter what I buy ill have to play with the temps till I find my sweet spots. I may be leaning towards the volcano now. I like the idea of a 'whip' to take pulls from, but they dont seem to have valves or shut offs on them. Is the vapor constantly being made and...
  5. R


    Thanks both of you for your replies :) I was looking at the volcano as well, I just think id rather have a tube than the bag. Do all vapes take time to warm up? Also, I saw that there are different heat settings. Whats the difference? Or, more to the point, how do you know what temp to use?
  6. R


    Hello, I've heard a lot about Vaporizers being really great. Better smoke, better taste, easier on the lungs, ect. Is all that true? I've been looking around today and was going to order the Arizer Extreme Q found at ( The main thing thats...
  7. R

    My $0 indoor grow

    Your best bet for cheap would be a CFL grow. Theres a subsection in the indoor grow area of this forums I think, they have some good examples of lights you can use
  8. R

    What Would You do?

    They may start to show sex before you flip to flower, just depends. Girls will have hairs or pistils coming out from the nooks where stem meets stem, boys will have little balls or banana clusters pop up in the same place. You wont be able to verify until the plant shows you. Mad Prophessor has...
  9. R

    Any Tips For Saving Energy?

    Ahh alright, you had me scared there for a minute ;) I was under the impression this was a made in America company like they claim. Like I said, I have one of their smaller panels I got right off the bat. It works well, and I have had no problems with them so far. From the looks of it, these XML...
  10. R

    Any Tips For Saving Energy?

    Where did you find that these are rebranded? Everything i've read seems to point to Advanced being a decent company o_O More to the point ( Have you found a place that proves otherwise? Serious question, im thinking about buying another panel from...
  11. R

    Any Tips For Saving Energy?

    If you're switching to full LED you could check out ( I have a small panel from them, and it does well for vegging. Hell, I pulled my first plant through her entire life with it and the quality was pretty good...
  12. R

    Will this type of intake/exhaust work for my setup?

    Looks like a super badass setup quazis :D very handy, impressed! I just recently started remodeling my house and fixing some cracks in the walls on an addon, I can see my quality of work has a ways to go! Keep us updated!
  13. R


    Meh, I have had plants in solo cups for three+ weeks before with no problems. Only real issue was they drank the soil dry so damn fast you had to water more often. Is it better than not being lazy past the two week mark or so and putting them in bigger pots? No. Is it going to stunt your plant...
  14. R


    Not at all. You can go a good couple weeks in solos before the roots run into any real problems.
  15. R

    how much will my new clones yield?

    I PH my ballast every week at least. Its important, if you dont your light will 'lock out' certain spectrums. Have to give the plant everything you can!
  16. R

    Do you have to decarb before baking?

    If you ever feel like sharing the recipe, feel free to pm me :P
  17. R

    Do you have to decarb before baking?

    That looks super badass hbbum :) are those all sour apple gummie squares? Also, how'd they turn out?
  18. R

    sick seedling

    Just let it do its thing :) looks like a mutant, or a plant recovering from damage.
  19. R

    Help me improve!

    Thanks, ill probably give it a shot again and see if I can make it work this time lol. Ill definitely check out the Maxigro/bloom :)
  20. R

    Help me improve!

    Do you grow in soil? Been thinking about learning hydro and I have a simple DWC bucket setup I can use. Keeping the res under 80 is tough for me though, would probably have to put a small stand alone AC in the room to keep things cool. Is the increase in growth worth that?