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  1. R

    some samples at 7 weeks

    Sexy. Im still learning to grow in soil, but hopefully ill get to move to a soiless/hydroponics setup.
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    some samples at 7 weeks

    hydro or soil? nutes? lights?
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    some samples at 7 weeks

    Frosty :D I like them!
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    Look like a male to u??

    pictures a little blurry, but it looks like a boy. better pic?
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    A stunted plant

    Thanks Cozz, Im running soil, and yea I figured the stress would be pretty bad what with the burn flush and prune. Just never seen a plant take this long to swing back, so I was looking for guidance. Probably just getting impatient >.<
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    Can you wait 2long to put plants into flower?

    One other thing, in case nobody else mentioned it already, is that the longer you grow in a soil system the more important flushing with water becomes. I usually never had to deal with that, but I had a long veg cycle with my latest plant and the PPM's got too high and burned my plant. Shes...
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    Post Pics Of Your Healthy Thriving Plants Here!

    Hey doublejj, if you dont mind me asking, is that classified as a medical or recreational grow? Its a beautiful setup :P pretty jealous lol.
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    A stunted plant

    Hello everyone, I recently had my first dealings with high PPM building up in soil, and my plant suffered for it. I had never looked at PPM seriously before, and it got upwards of 3800 when I finally started thinking that might be the problem. I just thought I had burned my girl with my light...
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    hydroton clay ball vs pebbles

    Pearlite helps to aerate the soil, but the rocks also hold moisture at the same time. Seems odd, but its true :) in fact, people use a bed of pure pearlite when they do the shotgun fruiting chamber while growing mushrooms. the water will coat the rocks and hold, while the rocks themselves create...
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    hydroton clay ball vs pebbles

    You'll only use pebbles/hydroton in hydro systems most of the time. From the looks of it, you're growing in soil. If you're looking to aerate your soil, you may try mixing in pearlite in the future. It helps a lot :)
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    What are you growing in?
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    3800+ PPM runoff in flower

    Oh, I didnt know that. Thanks Figgy :bigjoint: Learning new stuff every day, just wish I had thought of checking this earlier. I really thought it was just a burn from the light since it got hot in that room. Should have known better!
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    3800+ PPM runoff in flower

    Thanks Crawlintbss, this is exactly what I ended up doing. Took about 20-25 gallons of water but I finally got the PPMs down to about 700 or so. My water has a base ppm of 300, so I dont think thats too bad. Im letting her drain out some more, then she will go back into the room. Do you have a...
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    3800+ PPM runoff in flower

    Hello, I recently had another post going about heat stress/burn, but after further investigation I think it might actually be soil/nutrient related. My girl was planted in late September early October, and started 12/12 on December first. Shes in a five gallon pot in FFOF soil, and has been...
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    Heat stress/burn

    Shes been in flower since the first of december, and has a flat top canopy about 2ft by 4ft xD I dont want to trash her, put too much time into it so far! Guess ill just keep caring for her and hope she comes back. Foliage is just a bit tore up.
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    Heat stress/burn

    Hello! I recently had a plant in the 12/12 cycle get a little overheated. The houses heater kicked in, and between that and the light the top of the canopy got singed. The plants survived, its been recuperating for a week or two now. The thing is, I dont see much new green growth. The buds are...
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    2015 Growers Goal list ! post here

    I want to upgrade to a DS XML 350 from Advanced LEd ( :bigjoint: If that goes well, hopefully get four of those lights total and really start to have some fun! Oh, and maybe get some more first hand experience...
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    very newbie question...

    I dont have anything, I just set my plant pots on a tray to catch drainage when I water :) You shouldnt lose much soil, least not that ive noticed.
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    $50 ounces for upper tier legal weed?

    I hope the prices don't drop too much too soon ;) gold rush is still running strong! Either way, I wouldn't count on seeing a drop across the board until it goes legal federally and the big established tobacco companies move in. Id say a couple years after nation wide legalization and there will...
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    2 xHPS 400 watt. 17 unsexed plants

    I know you didnt ask, but be careful with multiple plants in one container. The roots will get tangled up if you let it go on, and they wont do well in a small space like that later on in life. Im fond of starting my girls in a solo cup :) cheap and easy to move until you're ready to get them...