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  1. R

    What are my plants lacking?

    Is the soil you used a 'time release' blend? If you haven't fed in two weeks I don't see how it would matter anyway, but just a thought.
  2. R

    white widow problems

    Honestly, id say its temp related. The water in your res is going to be close to your rooms ambient temperature, and I can tell you that warm water in a DWC will ruin your plant :( thats why im unable to use that method right now lol. If you're chilling the water, then its as Don Alejandro Vega...
  3. R

    Tent filling up....transpiration and space issues

    A tower fan, or if you *have* to you could get a few small squares of rubber at your local hardware store - thickest they have. Lay the sheets on top of eachother, then put your fan on top of that. Could even throw a square of carpet over the top of that to further insulate the noise.
  4. R

    Just Got Jacked While Dealing

    $400 isnt worth getting stabbed or going to jail over buddy. Cut ties with that douche of a friend of yours, and move on. Also, might avoid that neighborhood and try to get into a better area. Goodluck to ya!
  5. R

    What's you're opinion on this idea?

    Depends, im not sure if the air would flow up and out your chimney or down and back into your living room xD *edit* how big is your grow space?
  6. R

    First Grow, Half Pyramid Scheme, White Light Spiraling into the Cosmos

    Does half pyramid room have a door? Or can one be put in? Is security/stealth an issue for you?
  7. R

    Tent filling up....transpiration and space issues

    The fan issues a tough one - if its not vibrating through the floor, its *just* loud enough for guest to hear xD Is a stand-up oscillating fan out of the questions? You know, one of the oldschool ones that sits at an adjustable height and turns side to side while its on? Those dont generally...
  8. R

    Aeroponic Reservoir Temp Climb

    Water temps were the bane of my existence my first try with DWC :( I wish I could give you some advice, but even frozen water bottles didnt save me lol. For now im running soil, but when I do give hydro another shot ill probably try a flood and drain table. That, or I will wait until I can buy a...
  9. R

    Super soil

    I can vouch for Fox Farms Ocean Forest, pretty good soil from what I can tell.
  10. R

    Can I give her the chop?

    Very nice plant :) Everyone says look for lots of red hairs, and it seems like thats what you have! Im with dannyboy, I think its time.
  11. R

    having tons of trouble and really considering dumping my whole garden and starting over

    Id go with budfarmer420's advice :) just dig them up as gently as you can, and replant in some Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil. Just get as close to the roots as possible when you dig up without damaging them - leave the rest of the soil around the rootball otherwise you could shock the plants...
  12. R

    First Grow, Half Pyramid Scheme, White Light Spiraling into the Cosmos

    Plant container (however many you need) Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil (what you need to fill the containers) Seeds (good genetics, order online if possible) Lights (CFL's work if you have enough of them. Youtube how to make CFL light systems, have some nice 6-9 light setups) Fan (small fan to put...
  13. R

    What the hell is this

    Either a blade of grass starting up, or your girls roots decided they were tired of being second best and are trying to show you they can grow up just like the rest of the plant ;)
  14. R

    To Germinate or not to?

    I agree with Nullis, with regular crops its ok to sow directly into the soil outdoors due to the volume that you can put down at once. With MJ you have to do a plant here and a plant there, depending on where you are ;) so you may as well give them a strong start indoors so they can thrive when...
  15. R

    No better place to ask

    I agree with everyone here, only trim when needed to help bud sights get light. Just took my first two fan leaves this morning, felt a little bad but I know it will do the plant good! Also, really nice plants man! :D
  16. R

    How much water???

    Honestly, id just get a galon of water and slowly poor till I see it coming from the drainage holes on the bottom of your container. Thats when you know the soils fully saturated with water - take note of how much you use when you see that, and thats how much you should use until your plant...
  17. R

    Great mistake.

    I did a fim on my girl about a week or two ago, and shes got around six or seven new shoots xD And to think I was scared I would hurt/kill her, these plants are strong! Grats on the third shoot, hope it turns out great for you :)
  18. R

    What do you guys think?

    Yea, those closeups you took shots of are new shoots that will push out :) mines doing the same right now! What light schedule are you using? Im going 24 hours a day still, vegging the plant. I read that if you put it to the 12/12 schedule during veg it can cause flowering, if you are happy with...
  19. R

    Plants wilting - Newbie problem

    I agree that they are more expensive, but I also see that they consume less energy and are more efficient. Virtually no heat, really easy setup, very light overall. I can dig the LEDs, guess it just comes down to the pricing issue. If you have the cash, id say go for it - may save you some...
  20. R

    my led 4x4 aptus grow

    Thanks for the info matt, lookin badass in there! Might take a few pages from your book as I progress ;)