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  1. C

    new type of deficiency i cant find pics of, normal leaf but with dark veins. Also brown spots but not like Ca

    Thank for posting this, my meter is in mS, so im not sure what the nutrient charts base their recommendations on ? Seems my nutes are at 600-650ppm based on Hannah. Here is a pic of the deficiencies, and how the other plants are doing on just 1.2 to 1.3 mS per 10L (i will get actual mS amount...
  2. C

    Coco perlite Hydro combination - Drain to waste with recycling nutes. How long before draining ?

    I looked up interveinal chlorosis and seems its more of a yellowing either side of the veins. Mine is more normal leaf colour but slightly dark green veins. And not on all plants, just 1 or 2. I will see if they are still there are few days of additional cal/mag. I am getting more convinced of...
  3. C

    Coco perlite Hydro combination - Drain to waste with recycling nutes. How long before draining ?

    On a side note, what would cause this? It was BEFORE i started recirculating (which im only doing for 2-3 days in a row atm).
  4. C

    Coco perlite Hydro combination - Drain to waste with recycling nutes. How long before draining ?

    Thanks for everyones input, i will increase watering to 4x day making it harder for coco to take up salts. I will add Cal/Mag each day. I will take water sample at the start and each day and after 7 days get it tested for all the Nutrients so i can see how much the NPK changes. The following...
  5. C

    Coco perlite Hydro combination - Drain to waste with recycling nutes. How long before draining ?

    thank you for being helpful, i should have started like that... I started with drain to waste but wanted to know if i could use coco instead of clay when recirculating runoff. Rather than change the grow and risk damaging the plants i was hoping others had used coco like the above picture...
  6. C

    Coco perlite Hydro combination - Drain to waste with recycling nutes. How long before draining ?

    Read that link but no info yet on how long you can recycle coco DTW nutes before they need fully draining. Any way to test? Hardness strips?
  7. C

    Coco perlite Hydro combination - Drain to waste with recycling nutes. How long before draining ?

    Thanks for the reply. The Ec of the run off is within 100Ec or less. A 2 Gal pot is getting around 500ml 2x day. I may see if i can test hardness of the water to see how much reusing it effects additional Na and K buildup. Hoping to see what other people do with similar setup :)
  8. C

    new type of deficiency i cant find pics of, normal leaf but with dark veins. Also brown spots but not like Ca

    I have only just increased the light yesterday (after all these issues). Thanks for the reply
  9. C

    Coco perlite Hydro combination - Drain to waste with recycling nutes. How long before draining ?

    I have coco with 30% perlite and have automated halo rings watering 2x day until 20% runoff. I have now started collecting this water and then pumping it back into my res. How often can i reuse this fluid before the sodium and potassium build up? I run a air pump, and add in some H202. Using...
  10. C

    new type of deficiency i cant find pics of, normal leaf but with dark veins. Also brown spots but not like Ca

    Constants Humidity and temp controlled at 65-70%, temp 75-79 degree F / 24-26 degree C Feeding 2x day in coco with 30% perlite (all coco was flushed before use until Ec at 280 but not pre treated with Cal/Mag), Nutes used Canna A and B at 1200Ec, with Cannazyme and Cannaboost (do i really need...
  11. C

    What went wrong, bleached leaves, curling, brown spots, curling, new grow

    I have flushed with 600ms Cal/Mag and this morning gave 100-200ml of Canna A + Canna B at a 800ms dosage, i was not sure how long the nutes stay in the coco for and when im free to add more and not get nutrient burn. Yes the water i use is really good, the gold leaf you can see was doing...
  12. C

    What went wrong, bleached leaves, curling, brown spots, curling, new grow

    Yes correct i had not fed them anything yet. They have now all had 600ms cal/mag ph 6.1-6.2 water until run through. Source water nice and low around 180ms. Only thing i have not yet read is if not mixing cal/mag in a existing schedule like Canna has, is it fine to do 600ms to run off one day...
  13. C

    What went wrong, bleached leaves, curling, brown spots, curling, new grow

    Ah ok, i had them in jiffy until i saw roots come out the bottom and then they went into a paper cup with holes in bottom. Once the plants had 3 nodes i then transferred them to 2 gal fabric pots. Is it the small paper drinking cups you refer to when watering until run off twice a day ? When...
  14. C

    What went wrong, bleached leaves, curling, brown spots, curling, new grow

    since reading cocoforcannabis, seems I really need to buffer the coco coir with cal/mag... May need to make up new batch of media and transplant in. Seems the ones doing better are the a already buffered media and the others not doing well are in a not buffered media. That with not feeding...
  15. C

    What went wrong, bleached leaves, curling, brown spots, curling, new grow

    Also does this look right for the current deficiencies ? Autos Blue berry: yellow leaves = Nitrogen deficiency ? caused by calcium deficiency ? Amnesia Haze: brown serrated leaves = Phosphorus or magnesium? Photos Girl Scout cookies: Brown spots = Magnesium, Iron or phosphorus ? Girl Scout...
  16. C

    What went wrong, bleached leaves, curling, brown spots, curling, new grow

    Great thank you, and to everyone else also. That coco site you gave me is great ! so many questions answered there. I will feed plants until run off with Cana A+B and get Ec to 0.9 or thereabouts.
  17. C

    What went wrong, bleached leaves, curling, brown spots, curling, new grow

    Thanks again for the help. So you also run coco/perlite? I added about a tsp of rhizo when they were transplanted from the paper cups (seedlings were placed in coco pellet's) and then into a mini green house until they threw two true leaves then they went into paper cups with...