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  1. shoegal420

    Can't figure it out, are my plants okay?

    Glad to hear you think that's not too hot, I was a little worried about the night temps. I gave them a good watering few hours ago and I'll maybe skip watering tomorrow to let them dry out? I waited about 3 weeks to feed them again but that might've too soon so I'll just stick to plain ph'd...
  2. shoegal420

    Can't figure it out, are my plants okay?

    thank you though :) it's my first grow so I don't want them to die or anything. Yeah I'm just going to stick to tap water and try to get some kelp like you said, thanks for the advice!
  3. shoegal420

    Can't figure it out, are my plants okay?

    I was thinking of flushing them if it's some sort of nute burn or toxicity but wouldn't flushing harm the plants even more if the drooping is caused by overwatering? Is it possible it could be a calmag deficiency? The day temp usually stays at 84F but only drops to like 79-80 at night so it...
  4. shoegal420

    Can't figure it out, are my plants okay?

    I check the soil everyday and the top inch or two seem to be dry everyday, am i not watering enough then? I've read that website before, are you saying it's nitrogen toxicity?
  5. shoegal420

    Can't figure it out, are my plants okay?

    Hi everyone, my girls are almost 3 weeks into flowering and for the past few days I've noticed that the leaves on my girls have been droopy but I can't figure out the problem! At first I read it could be from too much light so I raised it but they look the same. I also thought it might be due to...
  6. shoegal420

    Should I start flowering?

    Okay so I went back to mh until all the shoots are taller and then ill flip. Thanks for the advice! :)
  7. shoegal420

    Should I start flowering?

    i also read this strain has massive stretch so im more worried about space since i only have 35in to work with
  8. shoegal420

    Should I start flowering?

    well its up and running with the HPS now, should I shut it off for a bit and put the MH back in for a few more days? I'm not planning on on tying them down while in scrog just right now so theyre more horizontal. Does scrog make a big difference on how much the girls stretch?
  9. shoegal420

    Should I start flowering?

    60-70% during veg but im starting flowering today so w/out the humidifier its at like 47%
  10. shoegal420

    Should I start flowering?

    Should I stop turning on the humidifier right away?
  11. shoegal420

    Should I start flowering?

    I think I'll flip today but should I extend the night time to 12 hours first or have tn be the last 6 hour one and just start the day with the HPS bulb and then continue with 12/12? If it doesn't matter then I'd rather keep the lights starting at 3pm until harvest.
  12. shoegal420

    Should I start flowering?

    The max height it can be is 35in. so that's what I'm going for
  13. shoegal420

    Should I start flowering?

  14. shoegal420

    Should I start flowering?

    Hi guys! It's been 5 weeks and 4 days since my white romulans sprouted and they are about 9 or 10 in. now. Imo they've been slow growers so i'm not expecting too much stretch from them but I read from someones grow journal about this strain and he said his plants stretched up to 3 times their...
  15. shoegal420

    Help nutrient deficiency?!

    i'm using tap water that's been left out for days and i ph it down to 6.5 every time
  16. shoegal420

    Help nutrient deficiency?!

    I moved them into the 5 gallon pots with just ocean forest and perlite. They've grown a couple of inches since then but I think the same plant keeps yellowing because now i'm seeing it in the newer leaves and a couple of bottom ones are completely yellow. Is a deficiency possible even though...
  17. shoegal420

    Help nutrient deficiency?!

    Okay I will transplant. Should I do the same 50/50 mix or just do FFOF and perlite? I'm using the General Organics GO box and I started feeding a quarter of the dosage because I didn't want to burn the plants since theyre in FFOF. I should've probably fed them more
  18. shoegal420

    Help nutrient deficiency?!

    They're planted in 50/50 fox farm ocean forest and light warrior with perlite mixed in and on the bottom. It's been over 2 weeks since they been in this soil mix and I was going to transplant them from 1 gal to 5 gal airpots today but then I noticed the leaves, should I still transplant? Or...
  19. shoegal420

    Help nutrient deficiency?!

    Hi I'm about a month into veg with my girls and one of them is turning yellow in some areas, mostly on the bottom leaves. I'm thinking it is either nitrogen deficiency or toxicity but I'm not sure. Does anyone know what it could be and what I should do? The leaves are also kind of droopy but...
  20. shoegal420

    Shoegal's White Romulan Grow ~ 250W - 2x2

    Hi everyone! This is my first grow and I'm starting this diary a little late since my seeds sprouted about 3 weeks ago but I wanted to organize all my info and get some advice from the community about things I'm unsure about. I bought 7 feminized seeds of White Romulan from OG Raskal and...