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  1. Wrigglethediggle

    NEWBIE grow going downhill fast!!

    Quick update for everyone that helped me out! I switched back to a blue light and also fitted a pc fan for extraction/ventilation purposes and things have drastically improved. She has only grown an inch (now standing at 5") but has bushed out massively, my plan is to start flowering at the...
  2. Wrigglethediggle

    NEWBIE grow going downhill fast!!

    Yeh it about 10" and Horizontal, I'm growing in a small cupboard which is bringing a few temperature issues but currently working on these and got a hydrometer arriving in the next few day. Moving the light up might work a lot better for the heat issues too, is it only during the early stages...
  3. Wrigglethediggle

    NEWBIE grow going downhill fast!!

    My mistake It's a 125w. So there wouldn't be any real issue with just swapping back to the blue light and carrying on til it's time to flower? Thanks for the help man!
  4. Wrigglethediggle

    NEWBIE grow going downhill fast!!

    I don't think all is lost for my girl, I am still on 17/7 but instead of a white CFL I'm on a red! Provided I keep 18/6 then does it matter that it's with the wrong type of bulb?
  5. Wrigglethediggle

    having tons of trouble and really considering dumping my whole garden and starting over

    I'm in the same boat bro, just have to take the lesson. It suck, but at least there's a ton of people alway on hand here!
  6. Wrigglethediggle

    NEWBIE grow going downhill fast!!

    Fuck! Lesson learnt!
  7. Wrigglethediggle

    NEWBIE grow going downhill fast!!

    Cheer boys, you've just saved a young girls life! Just out of interest what are your thought on the plant overall? Another big mistake was that I vegged plant for 3 weeks (unintentionally extreme) , and have had it flowering for 2 It's still real small (3inch) , it's meant to be small but I...
  8. Wrigglethediggle

    NEWBIE grow going downhill fast!!

    Thanks bugeye! What sort of temp should I be aiming for? Diggle
  9. Wrigglethediggle

    NEWBIE grow going downhill fast!!

    Hey guy! So the title says it all this is my first grow and I am rapidly finding out that all the problems that you have to adjust to when your embarking on the quest for your own delicious, scumbag free big buds. I have only just hooked up back on to the net after a few months without, which...