NEWBIE grow going downhill fast!!


New Member
Hey guy!

So the title says it all this is my first grow and I am rapidly finding out that all the problems that you have to adjust to when your embarking on the quest for your own delicious, scumbag free big buds.

I have only just hooked up back on to the net after a few months without, which has resulted in some mistakes been made. Could you guys check out the pictures below and give me your thoughts, so I can turn things around before it's to late.

I'm currently doing a cupboard grow 1 Barney's vanilla kush plant hooked up to a 200watt CFL light and a small desk fan.

The problem is that the leaves are turning yellow and curling upwards. I guess this maybe really obvious for a lot of you guys, but I am struggling to identify the problem! It first appeared in vegging and I thought that it was nute burn, so I stopped all nute and have left it for the time been. She was fine for a week and then it came back effecting even more leaves, so I thought that it maybe under watering but the problem still continues! The only thing I can assume is that it maybe the heat in the cupboard (about 35-40degrees) or it's light burn (light is about 1inch away but it's a CFL) .

Does anything seem screamingly obvious to any of you guys as I do want to waste any more time before she dies :(




Well-Known Member
Hey guy!

So the title says it all this is my first grow and I am rapidly finding out that all the problems that you have to adjust to when your embarking on the quest for your own delicious, scumbag free big buds.

I have only just hooked up back on to the net after a few months without, which has resulted in some mistakes been made. Could you guys check out the pictures below and give me your thoughts, so I can turn things around before it's to late.

I'm currently doing a cupboard grow 1 Barney's vanilla kush plant hooked up to a 200watt CFL light and a small desk fan.

The problem is that the leaves are turning yellow and curling upwards. I guess this maybe really obvious for a lot of you guys, but I am struggling to identify the problem! It first appeared in vegging and I thought that it was nute burn, so I stopped all nute and have left it for the time been. She was fine for a week and then it came back effecting even more leaves, so I thought that it maybe under watering but the problem still continues! The only thing I can assume is that it maybe the heat in the cupboard (about 35-40degrees) or it's light burn (light is about 1inch away but it's a CFL) .

Does anything seem screamingly obvious to any of you guys as I do want to waste any more time before she dies :(

I'm a novice, but your leaves appear to be all stretching upwards for more light, yet also being burnt from excessive heat :X


Well-Known Member
Try to get your high temps down closer to 25C.
Hey guy!

So the title says it all this is my first grow and I am rapidly finding out that all the problems that you have to adjust to when your embarking on the quest for your own delicious, scumbag free big buds.

I have only just hooked up back on to the net after a few months without, which has resulted in some mistakes been made. Could you guys check out the pictures below and give me your thoughts, so I can turn things around before it's to late.

I'm currently doing a cupboard grow 1 Barney's vanilla kush plant hooked up to a 200watt CFL light and a small desk fan.

The problem is that the leaves are turning yellow and curling upwards. I guess this maybe really obvious for a lot of you guys, but I am struggling to identify the problem! It first appeared in vegging and I thought that it was nute burn, so I stopped all nute and have left it for the time been. She was fine for a week and then it came back effecting even more leaves, so I thought that it maybe under watering but the problem still continues! The only thing I can assume is that it maybe the heat in the cupboard (about 35-40degrees) or it's light burn (light is about 1inch away but it's a CFL) .

Does anything seem screamingly obvious to any of you guys as I do want to waste any more time before she dies :(

yep 35c (95f) to 40c (104f) is pretty damn hot.


New Member
Cheer boys, you've just saved a young girls life!

Just out of interest what are your thought on the plant overall?

Another big mistake was that I vegged plant for 3 weeks (unintentionally extreme) , and have had it flowering for 2 It's still real small (3inch) , it's meant to be small but I don't really have any experience on if this is the progress she should be making.



Well-Known Member
Cheer boys, you've just saved a young girls life!

Just out of interest what are your thought on the plant overall?

Another big mistake was that I vegged plant for 3 weeks (unintentionally extreme) , and have had it flowering for 2 It's still real small (3inch) , it's meant to be small but I don't really have any experience on if this is the progress she should be making.

was a bit early for inducing flowering imo. There's hardly any area for flowers to develop at that size. From what I've read/seen the plant will approximately double in size during flowering - so you're only looking at about twice where she was at when you flipped to 12/12 for a final size (roughly). Probably a good learning experience, but I would not expect much of a all...
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New Member
I don't think all is lost for my girl, I am still on 17/7 but instead of a white CFL I'm on a red! Provided I keep 18/6 then does it matter that it's with the wrong type of bulb?


Well-Known Member
17/7 isnt flowering light cycle thats still a veg cycle. 14+ hours is veg, 9-12 hours light is flowering. Also agree with it being way to early to start flowering wait till its about 1 foot or 30cm tall before inducing flowering you will be happier you waited that long as you will see an ok yeild. what is the actual wattage of your cfl 200w cfl is way to much light at that distance if it were 200w equivalent thats a different story also to keep veg you should use the blue cfl's as they are the spectrum better suited for veg growth, red's are mainly used for flowering or if you need some stretch.


New Member
My mistake It's a 125w. So there wouldn't be any real issue with just swapping back to the blue light and carrying on til it's time to flower?

Thanks for the help man!


Well-Known Member
No problem at all switching back but try to do it in complete darkness before lights come on to minimize any possible stress. but remember needs to stay complete darkness or you risk hermie. and if your cfl is the 125w thats like 10" long make sure to back it off to about 9" away from the top those bulbs put off A LOT of heat put your hand under the bulb at the top of your baby and hold it there for a few minutes if it gets warm or hot back off a little more till the heat is minimum but no more than 12 or 13 inches away. do you have your bulb horizontal or verticle?


New Member
Yeh it about 10" and Horizontal, I'm growing in a small cupboard which is bringing a few temperature issues but currently working on these and got a hydrometer arriving in the next few day. Moving the light up might work a lot better for the heat issues too, is it only during the early stages that you try to keep the light an inch away?

Don't mean to bombard you with questions bro!


Well-Known Member
are u feeding them anything cause they look like they are pretty nute burnt hot heat doest burn like that unless its like an ich away and that bulb is 40c+ like come on my girls got up to 42c last night in a 1x1 meter grow tent with 2 600 watt hps lights and they look nothing like that


Well-Known Member
14 days from seed in dwc ph is wat ever it is when it comes outa the tap there liven on rizo and roots xl


Well-Known Member
Let it sit at that high temp and see what it does rob. For you wriggle the inch away is meant more for the smaller CFL's the bigger they get the farther you want them to sit as the heat will get to them I have a couple 40w CFLs and they get really hot from even 4" away so with your 125w I'd say 10" minimum