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  1. W


  2. W


    My seed just popped out the soil last night turned the light on today got the light about 8 inches off them using t5 doing a wet and dry cycle only giving water when the top of the soil drys using bio bizz light mix aswell any advise that people can give me would be appreciated
  3. W


    I usually water the pots till it comes out the bottom of the pot and I leave it till the soil is dry again I've left them in the dark for now has the seeds haven't broke the surface yet I've put some plastic film around the top of the pot for now till I see the seeds come up and I will take it off
  4. W


    What light u using mate
  5. W


    How about a humidity dome
  6. W


    Its It only runs at about 95 watts the light plus when I put my hand under it aswell they stay cool it's got 4 t5 bulbs in it aswell
  7. W


    The light is like at 8 inches is that fine for the light mate
  8. W


    just wondering guys I've put these in the soil yesterday how long does it take for them to come out of the soil I did germinate them in paper towls to start them
  9. W

    Iguana juice

    I no lad seeds only need water just brought some bio bizz light mix and some all mix and some great white beneficial bacteria the shop told me it was good stuff good when potting up aswell just gonna stick with water for now bio bizz rocks dude
  10. W


    hello people here are my sprouts after 36 hours only. 1 of them have come through so far Just waiting on other seeds now
  11. W

    Iguana juice

    Just wondering guys if any 1 on here has used this product called iguana juice grow I've just brought a bottle it says 1 ml for seedling stage will that be ok to use in with bio bizz light mix soil or will it burn my seedlings
  12. W


    gonna just stick to using tap water have u seen the bio bizz range of nutrients there feed chart looks simple enough I like the look of bio bizz heaven too no need to adjust my ph ever I've got a ph of 7 out of my tap Which I don't think that matters in soil anyway cus if I started to put ph...
  13. W


    OK cheers for the info my ro system comes out at about 9 ppm I just add water at the moment I'm in seedling stage with small pots using light mix soil when I pot up I will be going into all mix I will class that has week 1 veg and I will had some call mag to the soil I should only use it like...
  14. W


    At about 8 inches away it feels OK even seen them closer than that with t5 the plants will let u know what is up with them got no leaf curling up yet gonna switch over 2 my mh soon has they am nearly out of the seedling stage going in to veg using a 250 watt mh air cooled has I grow under my...
  15. W


    ive been looking at some cal mag from advanced nutrients it says u can just spray them one a week if there is a deficiency using this product but it doesn't say if it can be used in soil what u think
  16. W


    Ok thx mate
  17. W


    Thx mate I am using biobizz light mix at the mo with just straight ro water will I need call mag to add to the water at this thx mate I am using biobizz light mix I am in the seedling stage using just ro water at the min willi need to use call mag or has the soil got what it needs for this stage
  18. W


    just wondering guys I am using soil and I'm using tap water will it make a difference if i use a ro system
  19. W


    Thx for letting me know 6 to 8inch mark sound about right for my seedling but another thing I need to know my temp goes up to about 81 Under the lights next to the pot level is this giving me faulse reading also got a osculating fan in the room plus my light is a maxibright 2foot 4 tube...
  20. W


    Thank u my friend they seem to respond well at about that distance away the stem seemed to have stretched at first because I had the lights about 31 inches high not knowing they wasn't getting enough light but know I've put it about 12 inches away and the stretching has seemed to have stopped...