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  1. Greenkid777

    I actually believe in God

    I completely identify with you here Wilksey. This same string of thought is why I have a hard time solidifying anything as "fact" in my mind.
  2. Greenkid777

    I actually believe in God

    Something I would like to throw out is that though yes I do believe God is all powerful, I'm not so sure about the other statements. Though I believe God knows all in the sense of the present moment, the past and perhaps someones disposition to future actions, I'm not sure I agree with the...
  3. Greenkid777

    I actually believe in God

    Just something I was thinking about today and thought I'd share it. Though I consider myself religious, I can't help but avoid denominations. The main reason I find myself doing this is what I feel to be a skewed view of God. Now before I go any further I'd like to affirm that I no means...
  4. Greenkid777

    I actually believe in God

    Thanks for all the positive responses guys. Glad to see the RIU community is as open as I'd hoped it to be :-D.
  5. Greenkid777

    I actually believe in God

    As I type this sentence I know I'm probably going to get a heap of replies from non-believers crying and bitching about how they consider me ignorant, old fashioned, and so on. Regardless I wanted to share my thoughts. First off, as the thread name implies, I believe in God. I've come to this...
  6. Greenkid777

    The good done by religions vs the bad done by religions

    I began writing a reply but then remembered this was an argument about religion. :lol:
  7. Greenkid777

    Silk road owner arrested/ bitcoin crash

    Yeah I remember reading that at the very dawn of the creation of bitcoins, they where only worth around 7 cents per coin (may be mistaken in this). Makes you think though if you caught it at the very beginning and invested a measly 70 bucks, sat on it for a awhile and caught the market at its...
  8. Greenkid777


    I've never "purged" or "juiced", but once a year as part of a religious observance (the Day of Atonement mentioned in Leviticus) I've gone 24 hours without food or water of any kind. I used to think it quite difficult but the last few years I don't even get hungry (usually thirsty though). I do...
  9. Greenkid777

    Trimming Weed in the Emerald Triangle?

    I suppose you're doing wet trimming then right? Damn, wish I was in your position lol. I'm sure I can get into the loop though, I've always been pretty good at getting my foot in the door. I guess I'll find out one way or the other lol. Thanks for the input though PKH.
  10. Greenkid777

    New Kid

    Hey guys what's up? New to the forums and I thought that I would post a little about myself here :mrgreen:. I'm a young buck who recently (about 5 months ago) moved from Alabama to Texas to attend the local state university. Though it's only been 5 months, damn it feels a lot longer. Probably...
  11. Greenkid777

    Trimming Weed in the Emerald Triangle?

    Yeah, you're probably right. I'm guessing my best bet would to make more friends that are "IN." Have you ever been a trimmer yourself?
  12. Greenkid777

    Trimming Weed in the Emerald Triangle?

    What's up people? New user here (in more than one way lol), and I was wondering if you guys had any info on weed trimming work in north Cali. I'm going to be embarking on some travels within the next few months, planning on heading to Colorado to try to find some seasonal work at a ski resort...