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  1. darksys

    2nd try

    im praying it is a lady lol its growing like crazy i put the light up last night and it grew to the light again when i woke up this morning :)
  2. darksys

    2nd try

    and they are seeds i got out of buds dunno which are ladys and which are scumbag males
  3. darksys

    2nd try

    they are only about 1 1/2 months old no presex showing yet :(
  4. darksys

    I started force flowering my 3 plants today!!!!!!

    buy a timer for 20$? lol
  5. darksys

    2nd try

    thanks West and Sublime rofl sexy eh?
  6. darksys

    2nd try

    more pic's
  7. darksys

    this a lady?

    ok thanks for the insight dood
  8. darksys

    light leak proof,with pics

    why not go garbage hunting for a white cabinet someone is throwing away work just as good as mylar ;)
  9. darksys

    light leak proof,with pics

    lol dood what u gonna grow in there 1 2 plants?
  10. darksys

    this a lady?

    and yet they are only 1month and a week old roughly LOL 2-3 months into veg is when they show presex am i right or wrong?
  11. darksys

    this a lady?

    everyone telling me to look for presex signs thought that might have been one
  12. darksys

    Help with outdoor growing

    o they forgot to mention get some perlite also it lets the plant breathe any kind of perlite is good. and can be found anywhere "Garden Section"
  13. darksys

    Help with outdoor growing

    damn bro good luck with those babies! Northern Lights is a good strain
  14. darksys

    Should I plant my seed outside and....?

    i mean not all my seeds germinated out of 15 13 germed
  15. darksys

    Should I plant my seed outside and....?

    lol germinate it THEN plant it it might not germinate if you just bury it outside -_-
  16. darksys

    this a lady?

    i dont see anything growing on the nodes yet m8 im flowering them in 3 to 4 more weeks 8 weeks of veg
  17. darksys

    this a lady?

    lol nm i got excited for a minute when i seen white hairs coming out the top of the plant!
  18. darksys

    this a lady?

    sorry my cam sucks so bad its old this a female or not i see 2 hairs coming out the top that are white decent sized already
  19. darksys

    nute defficiency

    or wait a minute the bottom leafs like very bottom? lol those die dont worry about them bro
  20. darksys

    nute defficiency

    eh what soil u using this sounds familiar if your using Miracle Grow Soil Flush that shit and pray your plants come back