Search results

  1. theaksmoker

    Cannacopia-Bubba Kush x Deep Chunk- from Home Depot...What Do You Guys Think?

    Any advice on Breeder, Strain, Or seedbank appreciated
  2. theaksmoker

    any advice

    im also eyeballin that blue moonshine by DJ Short im a sucker for blueberry ever since i had some of the most trich covered bud ive seen yet, better then the shit in magazines. it was a unknown strain at least i think it was....everyone called it True Blue but ive never seen anything like it...
  3. theaksmoker

    any advice

    greenhouse has hermie issues? real shit? high times has nothing but good shit to do supposed pro breeders have hermie issues?? i dont tend to buy fem seeds or is it all there product i was just lookin at Greenhouse kings kush when you said that anyone got experience...
  4. theaksmoker

    any advice

    im ordering some beans soon....i want some variety...i like all dirrerent types of bud but especially the dense smelly fruity shit that looks like its wrapped in Curran wrap when you accidentally smush it in the sac...anyway i have had my eye on a few strains...such as :::Subcool Seeds:Deep...
  5. theaksmoker

    easy to grow,difficult to grow strains?

    what makes a strain more difficult to grow then another...and whats to be expected when growing different strains then you are used do you manage growing different strains at once
  6. theaksmoker

    Growing book

    Im starting to question the credibility of these grow books everyone keeps recommending. i bought one by Ed Rosenthal and it fails to mention alot of things i already know to be important...alot of things on lighting and nutrients...also it doesnt mention anything about fact it...
  7. theaksmoker

    large outdoor grow

    how do you start a outdoor gro a bunch of seed an kill the males ? or cut a million clones?
  8. theaksmoker

    no mother?

    How can i run a grow with no mother..if i take clones from the veging group than send them into bud i would have to veg the clones till the original batch was finished but i only want to veg for thirty days but im limited on lighting for the bud room so i cant just stick em with the others...
  9. theaksmoker

    smoking for free?

    also if i bud with a 600 watter can i just veg with some florescence cause two 600 watters are killin me any budget tips?
  10. theaksmoker

    smoking for free?

    i have a job but my electric bill is nuts an im 1500 in the hole im hoping my crop is not less than what i could just buy for that
  11. theaksmoker

    smoking for free?

    I am not new to growing but i noticed people on here saying they grow an smoke for free what about electricity water nutes soil initial setup give me some advise so i dont have to sell to afford soil and electricity!!!!!!
  12. theaksmoker

    Seed banks and strain selection NEED HELP

    I am hoping to order some seeds offline...i want some killer smoke but i dont like just going off the sites description...also i have been trying to find a seed bank where im at lease somewhat confident i wont be ripped off...seems like a even mix for every 5 people who say one seedbank is good...
  13. theaksmoker

    ScrOG question

    So when you scrog you put some type of mesh or trellis above the plants and heres the you leave the trellis the same height the whole time and allow the plants to grow through it or do you raise it until floweirng then let the tops go through it only and heres the main...
  14. theaksmoker

    LEDs ?

    So i got thiss oldschool buddy of mine who is an electrician as well as a carpenter who sets up grow rooms around my area...he doesnt grow but has learned alot about it from setting them up...he says that all he sees lately for lighting in the grow rooms around my city are LED lit in the past...
  15. theaksmoker

    1 week flower, spotted/necrotic patches, need some opinions

    So i have 2 plants which are (as i was told at least) blueberry clones. they are roughly a month maybe a month and a half old and they have been on 12/12 for about 1 week now they are both for sure female...they are in 5 gallon buckets of fox farm ocean forest soil...they have been fed once...
  16. theaksmoker

    Browning of leaves,transplanted into new soil today

    thanks for the advice its not tin foil though its a cut up emergency blanket lol pretty reflective though but no issues before with it so im thinking its the fucking miracle grow my buddy gave em along with the soil with worm castings...just bad mix of circumstance along with the stress of...
  17. theaksmoker

    Browning of leaves,transplanted into new soil today

    Ok so these plants have been through 3 motherfucking transplants now...this was the easiest one...below are some pics of the browning occuring on the larger of the two even though they have been treated the same and are the same strain....any ideas? they were originally in the same pot when...
  18. theaksmoker

    PH amendment

    Im interested in going non soil but i figured you would need lots of equipment and it a good way to go?