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  1. kamonra

    why does government lie and commit fraud

    it still wouldnt be proven .. and address and email .. is not proof and i dont proclaim any religion .. just absolute truth. scientist have proven we are all from one source . thats is proof because only life can create life .. a rock , apiece of metal, or plastic can not create life .. me...
  2. kamonra

    why does government lie and commit fraud

    why is because we are slaves ... and are not free .. they rule us and consider us their property .. they believe marijuana would slow down the production of their property .
  3. kamonra

    why does government lie and commit fraud

    no i said it changed that particular catholic family
  4. kamonra

    why does government lie and commit fraud

    no .. we were hypothetically saying sacrifice my son and the reason i would sacrifice myself first ....and if it werent for all the poisons the government is putting in its foods we would live over 200years ... we are suppose to eat just once a day and maybe 1 or two small snacks of fruit and...
  5. kamonra

    why does government lie and commit fraud

    you got it .. there will be no fear ... and the government cant have that ... this was started with the roman emporer constantine ... by rewriting the bible and making it illegal until they declared christiananity their official religion ..... just imaging if everone knew of the rebirth they...
  6. kamonra

    why does government lie and commit fraud

    i always try to win ... and i am tired of atheist who claim there is no proof of god ....... when there is evidence all around ... but they wont accept until god itself comes to strike them down and put them in hell where they are aware of it ... cause if not they still will disbelieve.....
  7. kamonra

    why does government lie and commit fraud

    i know proof is seeing hearing, and feeling all at the same time but check this link out ... this story changed catholics into believing in reincarnation:
  8. kamonra

    why does government lie and commit fraud

    reaching again .. no because he has more to learn in this life ... so it is natural for me to accept leaving this current life first ... my son being younger must have more to do than i do
  9. kamonra

    why does government lie and commit fraud

    do you believe in god > The sun god ; RA AND RA-ETTE .. The ocean ; moot and mootette, The soul of the supreme being ; ka and ka-ette (the black substance of space , which scientist now believes is dark energy , or dark matter, it is the soul of the supreme being .... The word...
  10. kamonra

    why does government lie and commit fraud

    lol no i would sacrifice my self first :
  11. kamonra

    why does government lie and commit fraud

    Miss sam tell em .... miss sam tell em .... If they believe nothing we say ... Then why in the hell do they smoke mari j . For what reason .. Selfish .. I wanna be high ... Instead of maybe meditating while high , or just praying while high , try that maybe it will enlighten you ... Sam ...
  12. kamonra

    why does government lie and commit fraud

    i had this argument with my uncle .. And he said so will you let her smoke crack ... I said hell nah ! Who wants the chemicals of crack in my son blood .... Mari j however is god's vegatable its is welcome ... Not alchol , not coke, not meth, not heroin, or any other man altered drug ...
  13. kamonra

    why does government lie and commit fraud

    It is a fact ... Logically ... You need an energy source to power your body ... Not food ... Food is just the fuel ... You still need a power source to keep your body going that energy source is your soul (ka) you cant destroy or create energy it can only be transformed ... So that logically...
  14. kamonra

    why does government lie and commit fraud

    See you reaching .. But first of all death is not bad .... It is a transformation ... You will be reborn in another body ready for your next life .. So sacrifice is not bad as they make it out to be .... And you cant compare smoking marj to death .. Because marj never killed any one ..... You...
  15. kamonra

    why does government lie and commit fraud

    Let them say what they want about your nephew ... They dont know ... These are the people who are the reason mar j is still illegal .. Because they believe nonsense .....its illogical to believe marj hurt you, a kid or anything else ... Name one instance where it hurt some one .... Never lol...
  16. kamonra

    why does government lie and commit fraud

    You guys its a vegitable it cant hurt me or the kids .... Only smoke can .... So i want to go to a vaporizer ...even study shows the smoke of marijuan clings to the part of the lungs that cause least amount of harm as tobacco smoke clings to the actuall air sacks in the lungs whcih cause...
  17. kamonra

    why does government lie and commit fraud

    Sir .. I knew for a fact that marij wouldNOT hurt .. And the word fact is a trick word among many in the english language .... If it cannoit be proven means it is not a fact , but a lot of things are fact that cannot be proven ... It is a religious sacrement .. Not a drug ... I knew smoke...
  18. kamonra

    why does government lie and commit fraud

    Thanks for that post .. It is correct ... The government spreads lies and fear ... It is apparent in the responses
  19. kamonra

    why does government lie and commit fraud

    the doctors says he's one of the most healthy kids around ....blood count , reaction, growth, and mental awareness,, you guys . if your really believe that it will harm my kid then you all need to stop smoking .. because abvious you dont know the purposes of mari j ...... IT IS A RELIGIOUS...
  20. kamonra

    why does government lie and commit fraud

    see you believe the lies as well ... it wasnt a gamble i knew for a fact mar j helps not hurt ... and my child was at no risk ... in fact he has benifited greatly as he is more aware then my other 4 children wish i would have did the same but ultimately it was the mothers choice to smoke herb...