Search results

  1. GreenHouzEffekt

    What do you prefer to grow?

    Since I'm starting a DWC Project, and I want to have short, fat plants rather than tall skinny plants, I have decided to stick to just growing Indica plants. But it just so happens that I enjoy the Indica high alot more than Sativa anyways. What do you guys prefer to grow? Indica? Or Sativa...
  2. GreenHouzEffekt

    All I need to do now is buy seeds and I'm 100% set on WWMS, thanks for the review people!
  3. GreenHouzEffekt

    Who uses meth........

    That one picture of the guy holding the gun made me laugh uncontrollably for like fifteen minutes.
  4. GreenHouzEffekt

    ok cali growers listen to this

    Agreed ^^ Although that's some cool news that it turned out to be Bloo Cheeze, this is better off in the Strain Reviews. I had Grape Ape a few times, never had the Blue Cheese before. Should be an exciting grow.
  5. GreenHouzEffekt

    RG's First grow ( DR 150 , 400w , Aeroponic)

    Don't ride the pH rollercoaster, if it's close, keep it. You don't wanna accidently fry your plants trying to change the pH a few points. I'm not actually doing Aeroponics but I'll be doing DWC, But this set up looks very close to mine. 4-5 Weeks should bring in some ridiculous results on those...
  6. GreenHouzEffekt


    Hmmm, Well I've had some crazy times with pills. Most ecstasy I ever took in one session was 7 1/2, and I did that twice. In my entire life, I only mixed colored pills once. The first time I did 7 1/2 was with my Ex Girlfriend, and they were Orange Glocks, The cleanest pills I ever had. That...
  7. GreenHouzEffekt

    DWC Grow Question, Specific Plant Height Question!

    After thoroughly reading Roseman/Purpdaddy's journals and guides on DWC, I've come to the conclusion that DWC is the right choice for me. Whether or not I've seen pictures of DWC systems growing 5 or 6 foot plants...I'm still looking to just get a good 2-3 1/2 footer with some thick nugs. I've...
  8. GreenHouzEffekt

    RG's First grow ( DR 150 , 400w , Aeroponic)

    Ahhh! Beautiful set up!!! This is inspiration for me Rubber. I'm looking to do this exact same set up, just under a 250 not a 400 haha. Quite the piece of work for a first grow. I'm excited to see the yield! Keep it up brotha
  9. GreenHouzEffekt

    thinkin bout goin hyroponics but have no clue on it...

    I've considered switching to Hydroponics and I'm actually going to take the plunge. I've been researching the Bubbleponics™ and DWC the last two days, as thorough as it can get. From journals on RIU to videos on youtube and getting down to the nitty gritty. I've come to the conclusion that DWC...
  10. GreenHouzEffekt

    Diy bubbleponics

    Thanks for the link, Read through it and man I'm excited to get started on my Bubbles!
  11. GreenHouzEffekt

    Diy bubbleponics

    So how do you go about changing out the water if you're using lets say, a 10 gallon tote box? Do you have to do it at a certain time? or do you just turn off the pumps, take the top off, empty the water and fill it back up?
  12. GreenHouzEffekt

    Ice Chest, Experts Advice on my Choice! Help!

    Well thanks for the help people haha. I'll just try it out and see what my results are.
  13. GreenHouzEffekt

    Lighting Vs. # of Plants

    Makes alotta sense. I'm still deciding if I wanna just do a closet grow or if I might go with this Ice Chest i just found today. If lighting is based on the space you are growing in, than I'm considering a 400w now that you guys mention it.
  14. GreenHouzEffekt

    Lighting Vs. # of Plants

    Thanks for the link bro, Thats a good rule of thumb to go by [I wrote it down haha]. I'll have to look further into that site on lighting for sure
  15. GreenHouzEffekt

    Ice Chest, Experts Advice on my Choice! Help!

    Quick note. I just did the exact measurements. Now I'm measuring this by the SECOND PICTURE. Because that's how I'm thinking of setting it up. Height - 3 Feet, 4 Inches Tall Deep - 1 Foot, 1 Inch Deep Wide - 1 foot, 2 inches Across
  16. GreenHouzEffekt

    Ice Chest, Experts Advice on my Choice! Help!

    So after scanning through a few of the Stealth Threads, I have found the grow room I've been looking for! As some of you know, I'm just starting out with something small just to get the feeling of growing. I've been researching for months, gathering notes and going over as many pieces of the...
  17. GreenHouzEffekt

    Starting To Grow!

    Well you should look through some of the New Growing areas, Look through some of the guides and the 101 asked questions. It's alot more than a seed in the dirt. Do some research, Get to learning most of the aspects of growing and than start. Cant smoke the Cigarette without Striking the match...
  18. GreenHouzEffekt

    california growers

    Haha I love Cali. I've seen some of the sickest set ups here. The weather, the girls, the beaches, the forests, everything about California is perfect for Smokin and Growin haha.
  19. GreenHouzEffekt

    3 week old plant

    Yea I think rather than go with the Floros you should invest some money into Metal Halide or HPS brotha. The purpose is to mimick the sun. I agree though, snap a quick picture and post it just so you can get an experts point of view on your lighting situation.
  20. GreenHouzEffekt

    Grow Room Design

    Well it sounds like it should come together nicely. Goodluck, Hope to see a good outcome haha.