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  1. werndogg

    add 3 words to these words, to make a story..

    Today I was walking down to the local MJ dispensary to pick up an ounce and a half of this funky purple stuff that has the potential to be very potent and powerful. Then I realized I was allergic to cat hair and purple weed. I couldn't screw my wife anymore so i got high and took her to the...
  2. werndogg

    end product price for super lemon haze?

    well i am a cultivator and only charge $50 an eighth, cuz i wouldnt ever pay more myself. I've had train wreck grown hydroponically from cali, white widow, master kush, and super silver haze from colorado, and never paid more than $50
  3. werndogg

    end product price for super lemon haze?

    straight price any where ive lived was always $50 for nugs. Me and my buddies would never buy or sell for more than that, i dont care what it is. I do know in the town i grew up in people are willing to pay up to $80 for one eighth lately, because its hard to find shit, especially good shit in...
  4. werndogg

    1st journal, power plant, comments welcome

    I'm currently on my 5th week of flowering. The plants are doing great, although on one of the larger ones today i noticed the starting of a potassium deficiency. To fix this I just added a slightly larger dose of tiger bloom, i had been using 2 tsp per gal and i can use up to 3 tsp per gal, so...
  5. werndogg

    1st journal, power plant, comments welcome

    OK, so its been 19 days since I turned the lights back to 12/12, and 13 days since the 1st white hairs came through. I'm pretty happy with how they look so far, cant wait to see how much I really get. They look a lot healthier than my last grow at this stage....
  6. werndogg

    add 3 words to these words, to make a story..

    today I was walking down to the local MJ dispensary to pick up an ounce and a half of this funky purple stuff that has the potential to be very potent and powerful. Then I realized I was allergic to cat hair and purple weed. I couldn't screw my wife anymore so i got high and took her to the...
  7. werndogg

    1st journal, power plant, comments welcome

    OK, its been a while since i've updated. I just took some pics, day 59 of veg. I am going to start flowering within the next week I think. I noticed my PH was a bit high, so i added some ph down that i got from a pet store for fish tanks and its working fine, and my plants are loving it. They...
  8. werndogg

    add 3 words to these words, to make a story..

    today I was walking down to the local MJ dispensary to pick up an ounce and a half of this funky purple stuff that has the potential to be very potent and powerful. Then I realized I was allergic to cat hair and purple weed. I couldn't screw my wife anymore so i got high and took her to the...
  9. werndogg

    add 3 words to these words, to make a story..

    today I was walking down to the local MJ dispensary to pick up an ounce and a half of this funky purple stuff that has the potential to be very potent and powerful. Then I realized I was allergic to cat hair and purple weed. I couldn't screw my wife anymore so i got high and took her to the...
  10. werndogg

    add 3 words to these words, to make a story..

    today I was walking down to the local MJ dispensary to pick up an ounce and a half of this funky purple stuff that has the potential to be very potent and powerful. Then I realized I was allergic to cat hair and purple weed. I couldn't screw my wife anymore so i got high and took her to the...
  11. werndogg

    Help!! I Thought I Could!

    YES!!! I love it
  12. werndogg

    Fun Things to Do When Stoned

    video games rpg's or shooters if i'm by myself, if I have 3 buddies over we get toasted and play mario kart on wii 4 of us plus 8 others online is a blast. I also like to go in and stare at my plants and make believe i'm in a jungle of pot lol. I use to play hacky sac all the time, but its...
  13. werndogg

    Baz's 600w HPS Suparoom - AK47 Grow Journal

    Maybe the plants that were under the hps the whole time needed more nitrogen. Were you feeding them the same as your cfl plants? With more light comes more of a need for water, co2, nutes etc. that would explain why the cfl plants looked darker, they may have been getting properly fed but the...
  14. werndogg

    8th week flowering RIDICULOUS BUDS!!!

    if you turn the light off, you cant turn it right back on, you may have to wait about 15 min or it wont spark right. when the light first comes on it should be dim, but after a couple mins it should get progressively brighter. If it doesnt seem bright enough, you may want to try a new bulb.
  15. werndogg

    8th week flowering RIDICULOUS BUDS!!!

    the power source must be weak. I would try using an outlet maybe located on another wall possibly on another circuit and have just the light plugged in to it. If your 400w hps is working properly, the light should be within 18 to 24 inches from the top of the plants
  16. werndogg

    how many cfl's needed?

    Hello everyone, I have been thinking of building a grow box just for cloning/vegging. My idea is to make a box that is 3 cu ft, just large enough to fit 4 3 gallon pots, and the lighting. I will also have an intake and exhaust fan both rated at 74 cfm. I have never used cfl's before and I am...
  17. werndogg

    1st journal, power plant, comments welcome

    They are all looking beautiful, cant wait to flower these girls, but I want them to get a bit taller first. They are currently about 11 1/2 inches. here are some pics from day 40. I couldn't decide on just 1 angle so heres a small gallery. :weed:
  18. werndogg

    Mr. Bitti's 150w HPS Big Bang/Mazar-I-Shariff

    cant wait to see how the mini jungle turns out
  19. werndogg

    Too much light, too soon?

    i had a similar problem and mine were wilted over to the point where some of them were just laying down completely sideways. I cut a straw down to small enough pieces so i could support the stems that way, then I watered them good and turned my light off for the night by readjusting my timer (it...
  20. werndogg

    when do you think is good to give plants grow big

    3rd wek for sure, the soil has bat guano in it so it already has a decent amount of nitrogen. and i would start off with a weak solution. what i did is after i burned them a bit from feeding too early, about 3 1/2 weeks in i gave 1/3 tsp per gal, feeding 1/4 gal per plant. mine are in 3 gal...