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  1. himynameispaul

    Day 6 Just After Transplant

    are you using just tap water?... any nutrients?
  2. himynameispaul

    New Grower Needing Assistants

    Bumping my old thread if anyone cars. Day 1 of veg. I have 2 CLF lights now on them one putting out 250watts each. still haven't had time to get some fox farm soil but ordering it, but within the seeds germinating I had made a reflector for my two lights to hang in. I'll be using this till I...
  3. himynameispaul

    Do You Sit or Stand While Toking?

    Depends who I'm smoking with.. If it is my girl I'll roll a blunt or we smoke a bong or pipes. If its my dudes I got a chill room only used for smoking, if we don't smoke in that room we either go outside for a walk. so im 5050 on this! I like to sit though over standing lol.
  4. himynameispaul

    Functional Stoners

    pretty functional when im high I smoke everyday (usually at night). But I do smoke during the day and go to smoke seshs but I also can do almost anything high. I love driving at night since my car has an exhaust, I turn some smoking tunes on and cruise out on the back roads in my small town. My...
  5. himynameispaul

    New Grower Needing Assistants

    plants have been terminated.
  6. himynameispaul

    New Grower Needing Assistants

    that's something I have to think about I might take the door off and put a open face face like you'd put in a window facing outwards to suck the hot air out I was looking up peoples closet grows. so I think that's a logical way to get the air out. Looks like ill be ordering the new lights...
  7. himynameispaul

    New Grower Needing Assistants

    is this a good idea in lighting for 2 plants? my room is maybe 3x4?
  8. himynameispaul

    New Grower Needing Assistants

    Thank you guys for the help, I've been doing more research on growing within the time that these have been going. I'm getting a few more bulbs like the one I have on the plant now (puts out 1300 lumes)
  9. himynameispaul

    New Grower Needing Assistants

    Yes they are that old. So basically just cut them at the 3rd or 4th node do you mean the top nodes now or the bottom starting nodes where the leaves have fallen off?
  10. himynameispaul

    Why Are My Plants Lookin' Like Doodoo check thread all info in that need some help!
  11. himynameispaul

    First Auto Grow -- help / advice?

    bump i want info on this grow kinda like my but better haha.
  12. himynameispaul

    New Grower Needing Assistants

    Update: I bought a light this past weekend and it has been on the plants for 4 days so far. The plant on the right looks like its doing so much better but the one on the left looks like its dying. The light I bought puts out high purple and blue light from what the other person said that I'm...
  13. himynameispaul

    New Grower Needing Assistants

    picked up a few new lights tonight at walmart... got a bulb that puts out 1300 lumes (spelling) that was good for growing. So much more light in my room now I think thats what they needed. Plus idk how to vent my closet would just opening the door every few hours do the same as having fresh...
  14. himynameispaul

    New Grower Needing Assistants

    So we have had our plants growing for about 3-4 months they are about 18-20 inches each and are pretty green. But I'm getting dying leaves, yellowing browning leaves, is this due to lack of nutrients? I replanted them once during the growing stage and that's about it. here are some photos if...
  15. himynameispaul

    1st grow/ new to the game

    update from the lasttime I was on here my plants have grown... and yes a few died but oh well they are mids and I'm just trying to learn! here are what they look right now!
  16. himynameispaul

    1st grow/ new to the game

    oh yah also im ordering this. and I just moved one of my plants into a different pot did I do it right? if i did im going to move them all into pots like this...
  17. himynameispaul

    1st grow/ new to the game

    I figured they where to tall. I halogen light that puts out 250w and we where going to put the others in a different closet. As for them making it if not of well they are mid seeds figured id try my luck on crappy stuff first rather than just jump into it right away... but back on topic to save...
  18. himynameispaul

    1st grow/ new to the game

    just started my grow and I've got 5 plants going right now and started another 6. So far so good. I'm buying the right lights and stuff this weekend but so far they have come up nice with just a normal light bulb. I know its not what your suppose to use but so far so good. This will also be...