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  1. vinious


    well It is from a bag of reg seed Crystal limit so in the back of my head I was ready for it to perhaps come out male. This is my first ever attempt at growing, so out of the 5 I started (2 in bubble buckets 3 in soil) 1 soil plant made it and 1 hydro plant made it. until today when the hydro...
  2. vinious


    Yea from yesterday to today it hit a big growth spurt and balled up all ova :wall:
  3. vinious


    I Think its a boy but just want a second say so before i pull
  4. vinious

    first cab

    Day three of 12/12 also attempting a seed from 12/12Plant on the left is tiny but already packing a very strong smell~~~~>>>New ONA bucket works wonders lol! Ordered a new 250w digital ballast MH/HPS and an air cooled hood + a 6in centrifugal 440 CFM don't know how im going to fit it all in my...
  5. vinious

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    was looking at getting this light 250W HPS Digital Ballast, Bulb and Glass Tube Reflector Combo or maybe this
  6. vinious

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Looking to join the 250 club but i need help finding the best setup for my budget i have 150-180 to spend i have a 6ft tall 3x2 grow cab cooled by a 240cfm can fan done a lot of looking but idk what to pick and i dont wanna get stuck with a lemon.
  7. vinious

    can I move to flower?

    Due to lack of space and herb I was wondering if these plants are large enough to move to 12/12 they are crystal limit strain. The one in soil is stunted due to overwater then underwater because I left for vacation for a week and my buddy sucks at reading directions. The seeds popped about 40...
  8. vinious

    Where to find a good cabinet to use?!

    got mine at goodwill for 45
  9. vinious

    first cab

    Here it is on my phone.
  10. vinious

    first cab

    so today i out on my thinking cap! I wear glasses and I hate trying to look through my pocket scope, its so tiny and i cant get it close to my eye I take my glasses off to try and get a better look...and that suck to so i made this little beauty I know that there is a professional version of...
  11. vinious

    100w Blackstar 2 ft x 1 ft

    Thats what I was thinking right now my temps are anywhere between 74-82 on 24/0 cycle with about 290 real watts of cfl's I have a 240CFM 6in duct booster fan at the top of my cab to cool things a bit. prolly look for a HID light
  12. vinious

    100w Blackstar 2 ft x 1 ft

    Hi all I was wondering if a 100w blackstar could cover this area its about 2ft x1ft i just think the cfls take up to much room and they are a but of a clunky mess to work with. I was looking for something different, I was thinking of a 250w HPS light but i also read that a 100w blackstar is = to...
  13. vinious

    first cab

    Daddys home! Nursed my babies back to health, one in soil is still a bit stunted but has perked up...sprout in the pot is a seed that I dropped and could have sworn I felt it hit my foot...but it ended up in the soil lol eh could be worse. Hydro plant was showing some messed up growth but after...
  14. vinious


    your avatar alone makes me wait lol
  15. vinious


    Wondering if this means it is a male there is a little nub'n on the plant inside the red circle. only one that i have seen so far.:-(
  16. vinious


    whoops thought i was there move plx lawl
  17. vinious


    Bored sitting on hold for the Heavy T Grow Show, 76 mins and counting!!!bongsmiliebongsmilie:eyesmoke:
  18. vinious

    first cab

    Back From my trip...2 plants died and 2 knocking on deaths door...but 1 is still rocking and rolling!! asked a buddy to top off my res's and water...bad idea lol. While I was out I sent out emails to a bunch of dif nutes companys for free samples and I got a few bites Thank you to American...
  19. vinious

    time to transplant?

    Got pots but I just wrapped it in duct tape and popped a few more holes in the sides
  20. vinious

    first cab

    My happy fam pic update. Pulled bubblegum out of soil and put it in hydro seems to be doing better the rest are doing well well well!