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  1. F

    Quick Help with multiple deficiency problems in veg before it gets out of hand??

    flushing and letting them dry out a bit FOR SURE!!! Yeah, i thoroughly clean my room after EVERY harvest. Everything gets bombed with a doktor doom (just in case), then wiped down or scrubbed or soaked (whatever is appropriate) with a bleach solution. If i see any algae or build up, i will...
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    Laserbrn - DP White Widow

    dude.. those look KILLER!!! NIce job!!
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    She doesnt wanna get ready!

    wow.... i have never heard of someone drying in the oven! Sounds like a recipe to mess up some good medicine if you ask me. Are you indoor i am assuming? Thats a SUUUPER long flower time IMO. I would say pull'em and let them dry properly and see how it goes.
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    PH constantly raising in Rockwool "croutons" - Very frustrating

    i did not pretreat the rockwool croutons, as far as letting them soak, mainly cause i couldnt figure out how to efficiently do it without a HUGE mess and a lot of time. What i did do though was run a CRAP LOAD (technical term :bigjoint:) through them right after transplant. It was about 6.5 gal...
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    I would spray close to when the lights go off rather than when they are coming on. You want them to not have all that water on the leaf when the lights come back on. also, just as another thing to consider, i just started using mighty wash to treat for bugs and i could not be happier! The...
  6. F

    PH constantly raising in Rockwool "croutons" - Very frustrating

    So i have my girls in 5 gal buckets and battle this problem every time. I am hoping someone can give me a solution cause its really annoying. Here is the deal, EVERY TIME i transplant into the 5 gal buckets with the croutons, i get leaf curl up (starts at the tops / new'ish growth and works...
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    Need help identifying my leaf problem!! ASAP PLEASE

    You can bring it down like that, but i would really just go slow. Never anything too fast with these girls is ideal. Too much too fast could be a bad thing. I believe (someone correct me if i am wrong) but you soil PH should b in the 6.3-6.8 range (i grow hydro so not 100% on that) so you are...
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    Started Flowering Purple Kush

    Yeah.. they really will double in size. Its crazy! I will prune on day 1, pretty aggressive (they look like little palm trees almost when i am done) then by day 14 they are bushy and awesome again!! As far as the nutes go, it would be really hard to say. I use the GH 3 part system and i...
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    1st grow....need help

    easiest IMO would be get a good 2 or 3 part. i use general hydro, but have heard good things about Dyna-grow too (dyna grow is technically a 1 part, but have seen people needing to add something to the mix due to lack of N). Both are easy. Just go to the manufactures website and they will have...
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    2nd attempt at 1st grow...problems again :-(

    Man... i completely feel like its the opposite for me anyway. I started in soil, then moved to hydro. Hydro just seems WAY easier to recover anything from. If i am having a problem (and accurately diagnose it hahaha) i will see a change in a day. but soil is definitely more forgiving.
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    2nd attempt at 1st grow...problems again :-(

    First off, PICS PICS PICS... very hard to diagnose anything without pics. Next, are you starting your clones in 4" rockwool? Also, how are you flushing and soaking the rockwool before you put your plants in? Did you use a rooting enhancer? There is obviously a problem with something you are...
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    help!!!! droopy leaves

    was going to suggest over water as well.... maybe you can take closer pics of each of the plants?? Its kinda hard to see anything detailed with that pic.
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    Leaf Spot Fungas, what to do?

    Man, i am interested to see what actually fixes this for you but i have to agree, this doesnt look like leaf spot or a fungus to me. Looks like calcium def. plain and simple IMO. I may have missed it, but are you using RO water by any chance?
  14. F

    my plant has holes in it

    Would tend to agree with it not being bugs, but keep an eye out. Holes that big would be from bugs you will very easily be able to see. I have had this happen in a grow before but it was when the PH is was off and therefore also seeing multiple deficiencies to which i attributed the holes to.
  15. F

    Need help identifying my leaf problem!! ASAP PLEASE

    check the Ph in your SOIL. There could be something that is just off and causing your root zone PH to be off. If you KNOW you ph is right going in (meaning you have calibrated your ph meter.. if not, then start there) then check the soil. I may have missed it, but what are you feeding it and...
  16. F

    N-P-K Their roles in the life cycle of marijuana and how it pertains to my feeding

    Hmmm.. very odd. I top water, so i dont have much knowledge of nutrient levels in an ebb and flow res, but definitely seems odd. as far as "making them" go N deficient, i wouldn't try to give your plants a deficiency. They will usually naturally go a little N deficient the last couple...
  17. F

    N-P-K Their roles in the life cycle of marijuana and how it pertains to my feeding

    good thing to keep in mind is that the GH schedule is FULL STRENGTH. You will probably never use that much. I would start at half strength and move up from there. important part would be to make sure your PPM's are in line with where they are supposed to be for your phase of growth. My...
  18. F

    Best way to soak and flush growcubes (the small croutons)

    So i have a decent amount grodan growcubes (the small crouton-like cubes. Here is a link to the product: that i need to prepare. With the 6x6 cubes, its pretty easy, flush them, then flood the table and let them sock in my ph'd...
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    Quick Help with multiple deficiency problems in veg before it gets out of hand??

    So on an update to what is going on with my girls.... Last night, i decided to do a couple run off tests just to see where we were at. Anytime i have see the taco leaf and twisting, my runoff water has been crazy high PH. Soo..... sure enough, tested 2 with water ph 5.9/6 going in, coming...
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    Quick Help with multiple deficiency problems in veg before it gets out of hand??

    Sounds like a plan. Will change back tonight. thats what i need.... a good smack in the face with the "what the F are you thinking!" :) every once in a while its a good thing. well... that would explain the problems that i always see as far as ph issues and such. it just doesn't say...