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  1. lemon13

    Need help with light adapters!!!!!

    Hello all Ireally need a light socket adapter were you can plug 4 or so light in to 1 socket. i have seen people on here with 4 bulbs in plug socket i was hoping some one could HELP me find them i have look everywere i live in the uk so i need to be able to get it here, thankyou:joint:
  2. lemon13

    First grow CFL

    lobster man thanks buddy guy. i have got a fan yeh getting it tomorrow its about 6 inch so that shoud help with airflow
  3. lemon13

    First grow CFL

    Ok thank you guys for the replys. i need to know coz i am going to start flowering in a week or so do i give it 24hrs of darkness befor flowering or do i just switch it straight to 12/12 thanks
  4. lemon13

    First grow CFL

    Hi all i am new here. Ihave a cardboard box, 1m tall by 3 feet wide. i have 2 x 150w CFLs 2700k and 6500k. Its been under 24/7 light for veg but only just been under the 2 CFLs was under just 1. iv had my plant growing for about 3-4 weeks old and about 30cm tall and a confermed female...