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  1. M

    help identifying a herm

    it hurts so bad!! such a shame the flowers are just starting to look so tasty! should i keep it in the room and try and remove all male parts or just let it finish outside? plant is about 1.5 foot tops would it be too dangerous to try and manage? got a white rhino and hawaiaan snow and a bag...
  2. M

    help identifying a herm

    Yo team, so i've noticed some strange growth on my flowering big bang, was looking for a second opinion as to if this girl is herming on me these have been coming up around the plant here and there, are they staminate? id like to be 100% before i put it outside thanks so much i can provide more...
  3. M

    Flowering lights left on!! advice needed! :)

    Thanks guys :D the girls will sleep the rest of the day and start a fresh in the morning! I did use a timer but it reset it's memory during a power outage, luckily it was during veg so no harm done, but I never really trusted it after that, so angry at myself that I let this happen, seems like I...
  4. M

    Flowering lights left on!! advice needed! :)

    Hey guys, i'm fairly new to this and currently on my first grow! (1 white rhino, 1 big bang, 1 hawaiian snow all from greenhouse seed and 1 bagseed. i am currently approaching the end of my second week of flowering and came into my room this morning to find i had left my light on overnight! :(...