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  1. W

    Making a Bit of Money on My Purple Kush

    So this is my Purple Kush. Just one of four different plants I grew this summer out doors. I had excellent results. as you can see: So, I'm smokin some and dealing the rest out through my parner who has been smoken with the sales! We go 50 50 because each of us takes an equal risk...
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    You are NEW, but don't worry, you CAN make money growing weed

    yep. that was from ONE plant. And me and my partner split the profit 50 50. So what's the key to making money on weed and not getting busted by the feds? 1. Grow out doors Find a spot. There is always a spot, so find it. It could be behind that old farm house no one ever goes by, it could...
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    Here is what Bubble Gum looks like cured, in case any one was wondering about growing

    It isn't done growing yet. I topped a few bigger colas so that the rest of the plant would get bigger. The colas are smaller then they should be or could be right now. I wanted some weed so I cured early and left the rest of the plant to go a bit longer. It won't be finished till October.
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    Here is what Bubble Gum looks like cured, in case any one was wondering about growing

    Ok, I grew this out side and had FANTASTIC results. I topped it right away and it grew THREE stems and got huge! I have Bubblegum up the YANG and it's some frosty stuff. Very soft and natural high that comes on slow and blankets you with warm fuzz. Mostly a head buzz but if you cure for a long...
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    Bubble Gum Marijuana by Nervana Seed Co
  6. W

    Bubble Gum Marijuana by Nervana Seed Co

    here is a close up of what a nug of bubblegum looks like <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
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    First Grow and harvest! Bubblegum

    Thanks for the pics. I was wondering when I should harvest mine. I see that I will have to wait a while since they are not quite as big as yours yet. It really helps us growers when others post their success. Growing a new strain of weed is less of a challenge when you can see the results...
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    Plant is getting worse

    I don't like to plant indoors because of smell. But some nutrual strains are out there. Ak and Northern Lights both have low oder.
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    How It Started How It Ends

    How It Started Where It Ends They wheren't there when it started... But it doesn't matter, this is our protocall. Is there no other way? There doesn't need to be, this is how it is. I know. But is it neccessary? That's not my call It might have been... Once. That that's the way it...
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    Bubble Gum Marijuana by Nervana Seed Co

    Plant: Bubble Gum Where did I get the seeds: Grow conditions: Out doors Grow location: behind local business in field Method of planting: Started 6' plants and topped them. Formed two plants from one and bushed out very well. I am...
  11. W

    Hawaii Hawaiin Maui Waui

    Hawaiin Maui Waui Where I got the strain: Where I'm growing: Minnesota Conditions: out side Grow style: Stealth Guerrilla in common dirt Grow area: Next to river on the bank Technique: How to make the dirt: Mix: Bloodmeal 1 cup...
  12. W

    Dragons Blood The Drink to Compliment Your Weed

    This drink will get you nice and warm. It is the perfect compliment to a good smoke. You will like it trust me. Great for parties, but watch out, because it will get you FUCKED UP ":> You must have the following (if you don't then FUCKEN buy them) EverClear (most liquor stores have it, but...
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    Wow, you make like ZERO contributions to this forum and you call me a TOOL on my page??? WTF...

    Wow, you make like ZERO contributions to this forum and you call me a TOOL on my page??? WTF are you even doing on here? Showing off your car? Go to a fucking CAR forum jackass. -Weed4cash P.S. you're a dick.
  14. W

    WANTED a judge for my bud. Need opinion from professional

    This fall I will have the following: G13 Haze Bubblegum Snow White Chocolate Thia Pure Power Plant If you are professional and would be willing to take the time to try my bud and give me your opinion of quality I would greatly be in your debt. I want to know if my bud stands up to the best...
  15. W

    Show Us Your Nute's!

    Northern Lights. You are correct. One of my plants DID get dug up by critters. I use a deer and rabbit spray for deterring pest but in this case I lost two of my Snow Whites. ): Thanks for mentioning that.
  16. W

    Show Us Your Nute's!

    P.S. i love you It,s a pity. Every one loved my weed last year. Stuff was so dank that the guys could not smoke two bowls because they were too stoned. So it's a pity you are so judgmental. But that's the best part of being a nobody, you...
  17. W

    Show Us Your Nute's!

    I laugh because every one that grows weed HATES Miracle Grow. It's true that Miracle Grow is not an organic part of my mixture. When I say ORGANIC I mean that I am putting it in soil OUT SIDE. Okay? I just use Miracle Grow to help with extra Nitrogen because it gets them growing FASTER and I...
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    Show Us Your Nute's!

    I'm going organic this year and wondering what every one else is doing. I guerrilla grow in remote locations right out side my town in Minnesota. I use the following with excellent success and I would like to know what every one else is doing. Right now my SD card is malfunctioning and I...
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    Some times we are moved and we realize so much else is out there, Some times the earth gives a peek, By some strange realization we see a different version of us, A version we suddenly want to seek. Remembering how we never knew the world as a child And we were wild&#8230; The realization is...