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  1. E

    Questions on starting new seedlings in DWC

    I germed mine in PT. Then into rockwool under a dome. Once I had a tap root showing they went into the big bucket with a dome over each individual with straight distilled water. They are loving life at 27 days now. Been on rapid start and life solution for 1weeks and roots have EXPLODED!!!
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    Strains for dwc

    I'm running 2 bubbalicious and they are loving the bubbleponics!!!
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    Seedlings going funky!

    Forgot to add, 24 days from seed, in grow cube. Rock wool type medium
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    Seedlings going funky!

    They are 24 days Room temp 73-75 day 69 night. R/h 50-70% H2o: distilled4gln Water temp 68.7 Ph 5.8 Ppm 170 Nutes: few drops of rapid start, few drops of life solution, few drops of Superthrive. What's up with them? Any ideas?
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    Question about ppm adjustment???

    The new growth looks slightly yellow in the pics. But it's just slightly light green and otherwise healthy
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    Question about ppm adjustment???

    Here are the pics first 4 are blue dream, last 2 is Papaya. All from clones, 4th week of veg.
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    Question about ppm adjustment???

    Solution was about 1/2" above bottom. And I had slow to no root growth, above vegation looks great, slow growth but heathy looking. I lowered the water level 7days ago to encourage the plant to look for water. Which I lowered to just below the net pot. It worked they are between just tips poking...
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    Question about ppm adjustment???

    Forgot to add, I ph'd to 5.5, 24hrs later it's up to 6.1 and ppms dropped by 30.
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    Question about ppm adjustment???

    So I'm running the flora series 3part. I'm in week 4 of veg. I have minimal root growth coming through the net pots.. They are poking through but nothing like I expected. Above growth is great, nice and healthy. Now, they are in 5gal buckets With 3 gal of solution about 750-780ppms. I used the...
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    What could cause this???

    I did notice that it went into flower. How I'm not sure. Light schedule is the same for all 4 and the 3 others are growing beautifully except for slow root growth but healthy looking none the less.
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    What could cause this???

    GH 3part, followed the week 3 schedule. I'm going to dilute the nute solution with Alittle more ph'd water to lower the ppm's hopefully that helps
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    What could cause this???

    Temp is 75-77 day 66-68 night
  13. E

    What could cause this???

    4wks into veg. Had slight nute burn, but adjusted ppm's down. Plants seem overall to be adjusting to 1000ppms except this one. She is a papaya hybrid. When I did my res change the ph was set to 5.8, 24 hrs went up to 6.3... Adjusted down to 6.0 yesterday and steady today. But I will adjust to...
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    Sorry about the title. As most I'm new to this. Res temp stays about 58-65 since it's in my basement. But we got a big cold front that moved in a about 2 was back and that's when all my problems started. Res temp got down to 50. Here are the roots on 2 plants as the other 2 I did not take pics...
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    So I have 4-5gl buckets filled with 3 GL of nute solution. Flora series 3part. I used my well water for the first time and it stunk like sulfur. They sat in a ebb&flow table for 3 days. So I think the rockwool got contaminated. So I ditched the table and went dwc. I got some brown slime build up...