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  1. Y.R. Token

    My, How are We Doing Thread....

    High gang: So I haven't had any smoke for 2 yrs, some here & there but very spotty, mostly due to a move where I know no one and not a lot of cash high for priced stuff. I got tired of it and had some bag seed, some of it very old, like more then 5 yrs, some less then a year, all mixed...
  2. Y.R. Token

    pistils showing on a three week old plant

    Yes no light leaking here... She made the move to the 3 gallon size pot and into the flower room today due to size restrictions and it's a Sativa strain. Thanks for the replies folks, I really didn't think pistils would show in veg, only in flower,goes to show you learn something new everyday...
  3. Y.R. Token

    pistils showing on a three week old plant

    Yea... I'm thinking it's your eyes! While I understand these photos are not the best micro shots, I thinks it's pretty clear what it shows. I took some more this morning to try to make a better clear image for you (and others) to review. One is just like the one I already posted, but with...
  4. Y.R. Token

    pistils showing on a three week old plant

    These have never had a light change they have been on a 18/6 from germ. However I did change the timer for daylight savings time this week, I guess you could count that as a lighting change
  5. Y.R. Token

    pistils showing on a three week old plant

    I'm home all day, no light shorting out here, on a 18/6 cycle with 6 100 watt cfl's and mylar every where. So lot's of light, good venting and fan blowing. Kind of strange, but WTF do I know, first garden.
  6. Y.R. Token

    pistils showing on a three week old plant

    Hey I hear you man, but I've been checking it out hard with my magnifying glass and couldn't believe what I was seeing, these have shown up in the last day or so or even less then 24 hrs. There is two more on the catty corner other side of stalk. I went to take a photo so you'll see I'm not...
  7. Y.R. Token

    pistils showing on a three week old plant

    Questions for you really experienced peeps 1.How common is it to have pistils show up on a three week (or so) old plant? It may even be 4 weeks old, but no more then that. And for sure it's sporting two sets of pistils. I have another the same age range that is just starting to show calyx...
  8. Y.R. Token

    my first clones

    About 10 to 14 days, I didn't remove the plastic bags full time until day 14 when it was clear they wouldn't start to wilt. About day 10 or so I would let them have an hour or so of fresh air then put the plastic bag back on, during that time it seemed like they didn't like it all that much...
  9. Y.R. Token

    my first clones

    After getting some help here from others (Thanks) about how to and what to do, I took some clones from my female. There was a great post I saw the other day by someone, cloning in soil the same way I did it but I can't find it now, it was directed at noobies and was very good with great...
  10. Y.R. Token


    here you go... male Female
  11. Y.R. Token

    Early signs of male plants?

    Yea I kind of guessed that... When the little bumps first showed up the first thing I thought was male. I was a little surprised by some of the replies of those who couldn't say for sure, yet I can understand many here wouldn't want to dish out bad advice. The way I see it is, he is hogging up...
  12. Y.R. Token

    Early signs of male plants?

    Ok well it's been two more days now, and those little things are bigger now, with three bumps... sure look like balls to me! Anyone else agree? It's taking up valuable room in the flower area, sure I hate to waste a pretty looking plant, but can't keep it around if it's going to ruin my...
  13. Y.R. Token

    Early signs of male plants?

    Thanks for the follow up replies ye all. Not depressed, just checking it all out and wondering if I'm able to understand my research, there is a lot to take in. And yes happy with the 50/50 results should it go male. I took two clones from the female, so there is hope those will root, lots of...
  14. Y.R. Token

    Early signs of male plants?

    This photo maybe a better and more clear image, there also bigger now, a few days older. Pretty sure it's male:sad:
  15. Y.R. Token

    My seeds havent sprouted above soil yet should i keep the light on them??

    I would say light on, that way they'll know what way is up..... :-)
  16. Y.R. Token

    DIY ghetto grow

    Thanks for thumbs up. So far a veg room plus enough left overs for a flower room about 175 to 210.00 then I added 135 in an exhaust fan and parts for that, plus DIY carbon filter. Been smoke less for a long time due to a move, wife wouldn't go for no mega expense type deal, but she puts...
  17. Y.R. Token

    Let's see some indoor setups

    Sounds like your wanting to do a ghetto grow, pretty cheap to do here is mine....
  18. Y.R. Token

    The Official Ghetto Growers Group

    Could have posted here but put it in the DIY forum because that is how I made it... Ghetto rules!
  19. Y.R. Token

    DIY ghetto grow

    1 used shop light box cut for a reflection hood 2 new plastic sockets 1 pine board 1 roll of mylar 6 used plastic flower pots 1 roll duck tape 1 used outdoor timer (6 outlets) 1 new box fan 4 new CFL's 2 new 6ft chains handful of screws from left over fence project 2 new extension cords (used...
  20. Y.R. Token

    early sexing of plants?

    Thanks for the reply, it helps to understand better what is taking place. As for the new young plant, there is always topping or other means of trying to control height... In general I started my garden after checking out "buds for less" and have been following that as a guild, however in the...