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  1. Iron Lungz23

    Almost time to harvest - Bublepon0cs - pure Indica

    I didn't maliciously flame the dude, I was expecting to see a thread on some one harvesting some nice dank buds! Instead I see balls! I couldn't believe this dude was serious! Then he posted he was a "research expert"! If u can't tell a male from a female, then u haven't done your research...
  2. Iron Lungz23

    *READ* 12 hours light, 14 hours dark

    I use 10/14 light cycle for the last 6 weeks of flower or as soon as they show sex, with awesome results! Now I've heard of your mates technique I'll be sure to give it a try!
  3. Iron Lungz23

    How do you bump a thread??

    Bumpity Bump Bump.....
  4. Iron Lungz23

    Stop BUGGING me!

    Any gardening shop, hydro shop or online, pretty cheap & effective!bongsmilie
  5. Iron Lungz23

    are there good books to show me how to grow froom start to finish ????????

    The cannabis grow bible, by Greg Green, very good for beginners.bongsmilie
  6. Iron Lungz23

    What went wrong here?

    Use HID lights from the get go! That'll increase your yield & u won't get those small whispy cfl buds!bongsmilie
  7. Iron Lungz23

    maximum flowering hours

    I got no pics, but I used the 12/12 cycle on my first few grows & then a mate told me to switch to 10/14 after the plants show sex. I was told the plants bud more in the dark period & I noticed the buds developed quicker & denser as well. I'm no expert, but this method has worked wonders for me...
  8. Iron Lungz23

    maximum flowering hours

    I use 12/12 for the first 2-3 weeks (identify sex), then I put all the females under 10/14. I personally think this increases yield as the plants have a longer dark period to develop more buds.
  9. Iron Lungz23

    Stop BUGGING me!

    Sounds like spidermites or fungus gnats! They could of hitched a ride in on your clothes! Use pyrethrum spray or neem oil to get rid of them, I prefer pyrethrum!bongsmilie U got any pics?
  10. Iron Lungz23

    NEWBI Can I Get a OZ per plant with what i have?PIC

    I reckon at least an oz a plant if not more! Good luck!
  11. Iron Lungz23

    Cabinet indica, 3 weeks budding, 344W

    Very nice bro!bongsmilieWhat seeds did u use?
  12. Iron Lungz23

    I thought it was a female, but now I'm not so sure.

    Thats a boy! Nice grapes!bongsmilie
  13. Iron Lungz23

    DUTCH PASSION euforia -VS- GREEN HOUSE bigbang [HOMEbox]

    Very nice bro, what sort of light u using?bongsmilie
  14. Iron Lungz23

    So are spiders good or bad? + for all

    Nah man, thats huge! U don't want spidermites! They're tiny lil fellas & will harm your plant!bongsmilie
  15. Iron Lungz23

    HPS or MH throughout entire grow?

    Mate, most HPS systems have MH conversion bulbs to match so all u need is the one ballast! Have the best of both worlds!bongsmilie
  16. Iron Lungz23

    male or hermie

    I reckon it's a boy!
  17. Iron Lungz23

    420-seeds to AUS

    I tried the tude, but they don't ship to Oz anymore! :-?
  18. Iron Lungz23

    420-seeds to AUS

    Nah mate not 420, I've used & nirvana & have an order on the way from dope-seeds! r super quick & pretty stealthy with great customer service, highly recommend!
  19. Iron Lungz23

    I NEED 2 BUY DoGGIES NUTS SEEDS, pretty damn expensive but! Ships worldwide stealth including US!bongsmilie
  20. Iron Lungz23

    metal halide VS HPS

    Well I know of people using both spectrum's (HPS/MH) at the same time for veg & flower with amazing results. But I also know people who swear by using MH for veg & HPS for flower with the same results. They say u need more of a blue spectrum (MH) during veg for foiliage & stem (internodes)...