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  1. easterbunny

    one giant mess

    i have two plants which are two to three weeks into flowering still showing no buds yes they have white hairs and i am positive they are females i got this far with no nutrients my leaves have started to go light geen and brown up then die , the trunk is tiedyed purple and green looks cool but...
  2. easterbunny


    and what does anyone suggest i use also cause i only realy have access to homedepot and i started getting i think they are nats lil flying bugs i wanna kill em what should i use
  3. easterbunny


    i got my hands on a bottle of superthrive and i was wondering if i can use this for flowering on a soil plant
  4. easterbunny


    so i started flowing about a week ago i had the plants in an aero gro for a couple weeks got board and pulled em out. now i have em in 5 gallon pales with a mix of miracle grow organic and shultz aqautic plant soil with nuetural ph my question is i have 1 female i almost have 400 watts of flows...
  5. easterbunny

    aero gro help

    i know thats theres alot questions about this already but here i go . i staterd seven headie plants in aero grow all started great i screwed up and used tap water first week and the nutes they gave me. the plants got a lil crispy and leaves curled under some are brown .two or three i feel are...