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  1. Ablaze

    Pot size

    You could easily go up to 20 liters. There's no maximum really. The pot size does't have a whole lot to do with how tall it will get. If it's starts getting too big before she finishes, you'll need to do some type of training.
  2. Ablaze

    amazeing cherry

    If you want, I'll volunteer to take it off your hands. bongsmilie @Cold$moke has a good point for someone without herb. Sample her. Take a few of those small airy buds from below and enjoy them. It may already exceed your expectations.
  3. Ablaze

    Pot size

    That's about a one gallon container, maybe less. It really depends on how big it will grow and how good you are at providing the needed nutrients at exactly the right amount and at the exact right time. With autos, time is not your friend. The volume of roots is somewhat the size of the...
  4. Ablaze

    Help identifying problem!

    Don't give up on her! But at this point taking a few branches won't hurt and might give you a head start on your next grow.
  5. Ablaze

    Should I start again?

    You understand that they'll put you in jail for that kind of abuse now. Right? Wow. Secret: I probably killed my first 3 grows from things I've read.
  6. Ablaze

    Should I start again?

    Laugh out loud! 6.02423 ph. Everyone knows its 6.02457.
  7. Ablaze

    Crank up the lights on Day 1 of Flower?

    Oh. Thanks huckster79, your reply helped me. LOL If all you're worried about is expense, let there be light!
  8. Ablaze

    Crank up the lights on Day 1 of Flower?

    I used to live in upstate NY and CT. That's a lot of water the ground is going to have to deal with. Best of luck there. Here's what I'm really saying. In nature, days gradually get brighter from spring through summer. If you did that, there would be no problems until you've far exceed the...
  9. Ablaze

    Should I start again?

  10. Ablaze

    Crank up the lights on Day 1 of Flower?

    I say so watchfully. Just take a peek every now and then. Or go step by step. Heat is probably more your problem, though it is possible to add too much light.
  11. Ablaze

    Crank up the lights on Day 1 of Flower?

    27 gallon pots?? Wow. If you're flowering, you have an adult plant. Light shouldn't be a problem. The weekend is here. Maybe turn it on in the morning and take a peak every once in a while. Or, gradually increase it every day - very slowly. Every grow space is different.
  12. Ablaze

    Should I start again?

    You picked a good place to start reading. There are a lot of smart, yet humble people here.
  13. Ablaze

    week 3

    Take a deep breath. You're doing very well and it's only a matter of time. Sometimes actions to help can cause more damage. Can you leave your tent open at night?
  14. Ablaze

    Help identifying problem!

    Take a couple of clones while you can. That bad boy's a hurtin'. You've done so much it's hard to say. But, far fewer plants get hurt from underfeeding than overfeeding. Same with water.
  15. Ablaze

    What causes bottom leaves to yellow and shrivel up?

    Gotta have pictures. My first guess would be what @dtl420 said. But there's even a small chance it could be something like mites. Spider mites generally start at the bottom and work their way up, killing the leaves as they go. But, you're more likely starving them.
  16. Ablaze

    Help tonight! I destroy tomorrow!

    My two 2¢, replace the mother with one of the clones. I like keeping mine small.
  17. Ablaze

    Huge plant needs fed every watering?

    You're testing fate with that big of a plant having so little medium to grow in. Personally, I think you're trying to feed it rather than letting it eat. But you've done very well so far.
  18. Ablaze

    Darkness before harvest?

    Congrats on getting to harvest. I read this too. After thinking through it I couldn't figure out how a lack of light will help anything. Same for flushing a soil grow. It just doesn't make sense to me. I also chop after a night's slumber.
  19. Ablaze

    Think different autoflower

    If you can, pictures without the grow lights would be better. Looking good. What can you tell us about it? It may give me some ideas.
  20. Ablaze

    Transplant shock from root damage, thoughts on using willow water to help recovery?

    I think people say not to do that because things can happen when you transplant. Of course, if they're hurt they will spend some of their time and energy repairing themselves. And with autos, time is already not on your side. If they need it, do it!