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  1. J

    basics to drying?

    i cant just toss away a lb of bud without trying first..ill take the risk , from reading all over the internet seems most people use it after treating it
  2. J

    basics to drying?

    i had to cut a plant down today due to mildew so im trying this to see if it works right before i trash my whole crop i rinsed the bud off with h202/water mix to kill the pm now i want to hang dry the bud on a string in dark only? can it have any light? what is the reason you cannot dry it in...
  3. J

    has anyone harvested plants with powdery mildew and dunked colas in h202?

    i just need it gone long enough to dry so i can harvest it... TRUST ME SULPHAR BURNER is the first thing going into my new room once I move!!! :)
  4. J

    has anyone harvested plants with powdery mildew and dunked colas in h202?

    ive tried everything, milk, h202,serenade shit comes back after a week no matter what..i know what my problem is now and im breaking down my room and redoing everything soon as i harvest .. dont want to lose a pound of nugs for no reason.. got 6 more in veg now that ill let go for a while more...
  5. J

    has anyone harvested plants with powdery mildew and dunked colas in h202?

    I noticed the pm is in some of the buds..when i pull the leaves back i see some in there..can i fill a 5 gallon bucket say of ro water and jack the ph up crazy high and dunk the buds while kinda moving them aorund under the wtaer to make sure everything gets cleaned off? would you then hang...
  6. J

    has anyone harvested plants with powdery mildew and dunked colas in h202?

    lol did you have it diluted or straight h202?
  7. J

    has anyone harvested plants with powdery mildew and dunked colas in h202?

    Thanks for the mold info, as for the burner I am in a apartment complex and would bring to much attention. im legal but do not want management asking why my apt smells like shit..Im moving in two monthsa so this is my last grow here.. What if I get a giant tub and dunk the plants in it a day...
  8. J

    has anyone harvested plants with powdery mildew and dunked colas in h202?

    so my plants have some wonderful mildew I just cant get rid of..every week comes back strong... when I harvest these can I just cut the colas off and dunk them in a bucket of h202/water mix to kill the mildew then hang them up to dry? can the powdery mildew turn into mold? also my luck i...
  9. J

    if you wanted a lb per plant how long would you veg?

    thanks for the info. you think going soil is best for a large plant like that?
  10. J

    if you wanted a lb per plant how long would you veg?

    3 plants hydro flood and drain 600w mh 24 hr cycle ro water house and garden aqua flakes a&b
  11. J

    if you wanted a lb per plant how long would you veg?

    i was thinking of throwing a few plants under a veg light and letting them go a few long would you veg to get a plant to produce a lb?
  12. J

    spraying serenade on plants while there on the table got a question

    i have all my plants tied up right now on the flood table..before i would remove them and spray the serenade on them.. does it matter if i spray these while on the table? obviously its gonna drip and end up back in the this a problem? i have some spot treatments i need to do...
  13. J

    im just running house and garden aqua flakes a&b and cal plants are dieing

    i was using hardwater then finally could afford a ro system which im using now can you suggest any add ons i can use to make it complete? this is my first grow and obviously i am lacking a few important things..thanks guys in advance
  14. J

    Newb question on ppm and adding nutrients daily weekly etc

    so am i doing this right then? add 275ml to 25 gal res equals 1000ppm as the ppms dip lower then i add 10ml here and there or whatever it takes to maintain 1000? so not every week do i have to add 275ml? or am i just trying to maintain the stable ppm of 1000 then dump res every 2 weeks?-...
  15. J

    Newb question on ppm and adding nutrients daily weekly etc

    How does everyone know when to add nutes? say you have ro water at add ur nutes in a fresh res and bring it to the week goes on how do you know when to add more? each week house and garden calls for 275 ml to be added to my res..if the ppm are still around the same each...
  16. J

    so when do u give up on a plant and chop it down in hopes to save any bud?

    anyone see a issue with the root pic or my last question? thanks
  17. J

    so when do u give up on a plant and chop it down in hopes to save any bud?

    heres the roots on a terrible condition plant according to the diagnosis link in the problem forum they seem to be deficent of potassium nitrogen phosphorous...but the tips are burnt like its nute burn and that happend when i upped it to 1200ppm my res water stays kinda chilly prob 60 or...
  18. J

    so when do u give up on a plant and chop it down in hopes to save any bud?

    what would the smart pots do? ill post a pic of the bottom of cubes in a few
  19. J

    so when do u give up on a plant and chop it down in hopes to save any bud?

    my ph tester reads 7.0 every time i check the calibration solution..i do it every other day im not using anything for flowering nute wise besides house and garden aand b aqua flakes the roots are staying in the rockwool they have not...
  20. J

    so when do u give up on a plant and chop it down in hopes to save any bud?

    it has roots going all over the place at the bottom. im only useing the base nutes from house and garden a and b...i havnt added anything else besides just base...i see other products there is flowering stuff u add on to...could that be it?