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  1. DJ991

    Picking up steam, 1 question though....

    It's been 21 days since the switch, and things are picking up. I'm using fox farm trio for nutes, 4x2x5 tent and a 400 Watt hps in 5 gallon smart pots. I'm feeding every other watering, but I'm only watering once every 4 or 5 days. In worried I'm not giving enough feedings based on the...
  2. DJ991

    1st grow, should I switch to flower?

    Thanks man.
  3. DJ991

    1st grow, should I switch to flower?

    Update.... 14 days into 12/12, plant 1 is going strong (I think), but plant 2 withers everytime I water. I have them in 5 gallon smart pots, and getting run-off requires a lot of water. What do you guys think? Any help is appreciated
  4. DJ991

    1st grow, should I switch to flower?

    Anyone else wanna chime in?
  5. DJ991

    1st grow, should I switch to flower?

    Thanks OC, I was thinking if doing a Scrog, just to keep the height in I need to do a flush? I've been using fox farm nutes up to this point.
  6. DJ991

    1st grow, should I switch to flower?

    Plants are 60 days from being in soil, one is a runt, but I plan to harvest just for the hell of it. Tent is 4x2x5, so not a lot of head room. I already topped both, and started lst on the big girl... Tell me what you think
  7. DJ991

    Need Help, or do I?

    Anyone else want to chime in?
  8. DJ991

    Need Help, or do I?

  9. DJ991

    Need Help, or do I?

    I've got everything on about 2 feet of boxes. I have a 5 foot tall tent.
  10. DJ991

    Need Help, or do I?

    Thanks, so you think I can keep vegging the 1st one? I used lst, and it's got multiple tops
  11. DJ991

    Need Help, or do I?

    I'm a newbie on my first grow from a bag seed. I was way too anxious and started with MG, no nutes, under CFL, but around week 7 I bought Fox Farm nutes, and a 400 Watt MH lamp. Once I had all the equipment I germ'd some good seeds (friend donated a few from his online order). Now I have two...