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  1. N

    do not tell anyone

    dewd. wife yapping = duct tape. Put her in place for that, my wife knows better than to tell. infact, shes so pissed that i have a plant and some clones that she said its me or the plant....god i miss her.
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    My mate's an idiot!

    It shouldnt stress them to bad from my experience and knowing people that grow. whats wrong with keeping the cycle their on already? if ya wanna look at em just look at em after 10pm or is that too late(job issues etc) i run a timer for my light schedule and i got em on a 18/6 atm to get a bit...
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    for a very small grow room

    thats what he meant by little bulb kinda ones..CFLs. i heard theyre prett good for growing but if one breaks it can be pretty hazardous...anybody heard of a broken one and them being bad for ya?
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    How Do I pass A hair folicul test?????

    haha free healthcare at the expense of middle and lower class taxes. Our healthcare system, with its many faults, is one of the best ones available. remember, you get what you pay for. Not sure about the canadian system but ive heard its off the shit-o-meter for being a not so good one. No...
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    How Do I pass A hair folicul test?????

    Im not voting for either one, just stating that if obama gets in im moving to canada, and besides, if a cop were to walk into your house right now dont you think theyd throw your ass in jail? -.-
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    How Do I pass A hair folicul test?????

    If obama gets in im movin. yall are frickin crazy. RAWR...your an idiot if you vote for obama. Ken Blackwell :: :: The Real Obama read.
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    Your First Joint

    Well, i dont quite remember my first joint...but i remember one with such clarity that its to be remembered forever. We got a satchel in petersburg, alaska and down there the chron int that great but we managed. So the girl brings us this bag back, we pay her then sit down to roll a...
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    Inherited a plant

    Well, as far as keepin her as a mother plant for a while ive contemplated it. Doin some reading and i know this one can be cloned cause he pulled 2 off of it before he passed and they rooted nicely in some dirt. But my wife is kinda pissy that i even have this about makin someone...
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    Inherited a plant

    yea...on the positive side...heres what happens. I get to my dads house, walk down to his barn and look up, and to my pleasure i see a 400w HPS...-runs away- so im gonna borrow that for a bit. Im not sure about trying to use it in my closet at the moment cause its a big light...and...its...
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    Close Proximity Plants

    i potted two seeds in a 4" pot once and waited til they popped dirt and were about an inch and a half tall, then very carefully dug the dirt out around it and transplanted into a hole in another pot. try it you should be ok. note: they were obviously less than an inch apart. just a heads up...
  11. N

    Inherited a plant once it begins to show sex from flowering it should be kept on the 12/12 cycle? theyre about ½" long...from what ive seen in the pictures here its definitely female. I tried getting some pictures but for some reason my camera wont do a close up on them...even if i pull back and zoom up...
  12. N

    Any One had FRUIT FLIES

    Not sure how well this would work for the plant cause i had concerns of it when my buddy did it, but if you go to your local hunting shop or to walmart even and get the citronella coils, that should take care of the ones flying around. they burn with a smoke that the bgus cant stand kind of like...
  13. N

    Inherited a plant

    Ok, so i couldnt find any white paint but i found a couple of usps boxes outside my house from when my neighbor moved that are white so i tacked em up inside. Now as far as it being to soon to tell if its male or female i probably shouldve told you that its a 2 month old plant and in my honest...
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    Great Stoner Quotes

    I was at work the other day and was going to a jobsite so i figured id smoke a bowl on the way there. As i turned the corner...the golden arches caught my eye so i said forget it and pulled into the drive through. Ordered a fish sandwich, and a quarter pounder with fries. So the lady says, if...
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    Hey guys, just thought id introduce myself. Ya can call me trey or nautik, whichever works for ya. Im from alaska, kinda cold...and its been a shitty summer so far :\ so i was sittin on my ass just surfin the web trying to find a site that has alot of useful information. After bein a googledork...
  16. N

    flavoring bud. [help] [ideas]

    Ive smelled the honey pot in which your talking, whether or not it was cured in honey i have no idea. Burned fine though and tasted like regular green. On another hand, as far as adding flavor to your plant Ive tried an orange peel wrapped lightly around a fresh bud. That ended up tasting like...
  17. N

    Inherited a plant

    I have a fan, just havent set it up yet. I need to clean out the closet so my wifes clothes dont start smellin like MJ. lord knows shell have my balls in a vice. Got some white paint already and ill get on it asap. As far as the back of the box, should i completely close it off on the back side...
  18. N

    Inherited a plant

    Ok, heres the story. My late downstairs neighbor had a few babies growin in the downstairs apartment. His daughter approached me before throwing them out and asked if i would like one. She said i was a good friend to her father and he had expressed to her that he would like me to have one...