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  1. J

    Lighting and growing

    try it your way, just dont be supprised when it doesnt work. Time is worth a lot more then a couple of bucks you will soon find out. Good luck
  2. J

    when to start with nutes on 2 week old seedlings?

    Start small and work your way up as your plants grow. You dont need to try to break records on your first grow.
  3. J

    temps 25 degrees, whats my humidity?

    check the weather online. It always tells the humidity outside which isnt too far off of your inside humidity, with some exceptions like rain.
  4. J

    Is hermie nug worth a damn?

    Is it more trouble then its worth the have only one plant that is hermie and keep it? When a hermie pollinates a female are the seeds??????
  5. J

    Can't successfuly grow marijuana

    what age are your plants dying? Its real easy to kill em when they are really young with too strong light. If they fall over dead once they are big I might quit.
  6. J


    I think I have read to dry the stuff out before making butter. I think butter is more usefull then oil. What do you use more?
  7. J

    Trimming leaves at harvest

    I looked it up. You can cook with the trimmings. That seems like the way to go. The first post in harvesting and curing has your question answered on the first page.
  8. J

    Can you chop the top and let the bottoms mature

    I have heard mixed theories on the subject. It was pointed out to me that using molasses and water would do the trick for the rest of the grow, if 1-2 weeks is all that is needed. Someone else said using organic nutes all the way through doesnt hurt anything.
  9. J

    Trimming leaves at harvest

    Can you cook the trimmings into butter? That might be a good thing to do with all of those little sugar coated leaves if so. In addition, I read that it takes the buds longer to dry out with the leaves on.
  10. J

    Can you chop the top and let the bottoms mature

    Good stuff. Thanks guys. That is a pretty cool concept. I wasnt sure if that is enough shock to mess up the plant or if its like most other plants that like to be pruned.
  11. J

    Can you chop the top and let the bottoms mature

    I have been watching this site and I have never seen anyone say whether or not it was normal to chop the top and let the bottom ripen. I guess I am curious.
  12. J


    It can get really out of control fast. Like, you cant keep up with pulling sacs. Or it could be over after you pull those. Try dutch master reverse with the penetrator. without the penetrator it is worthless. Most people say to kill the plant. If you have a bunch of other females in the...
  13. J

    Homemade Flower Cabinet

    Wow. Nice box. Subscribed. Are you going to SCROG in the future? I like how your buds dwarf a beer bottle, brings a smile to my face. good work. only getting better.
  14. J

    Hygrozyme? Who uses this?

    good to hear. do you use it in conjunction with your reg nutes or what? I already use the fox farms line and add molasses and cal mag. Is this another additive? I will be excited to try it.
  15. J

    Attracting to much unwanted attention?

    No way. People do weird shit all of the time. As long as no one can see or smell you are pretty safe.
  16. J


    spend a little more money to get a glass sealed air coolable hood. HTG online or local hydro shops have em. 400 watts still put off a lot of heat in a small space. your being happy with the product is worth the extra money. Do it. get the nicer bigger one.
  17. J

    Bubbleponics or Hydrofarm?

    If I were you Id go with the stealth. I dont own one but it sounds like it would be good for your space and light. Start 6 and throw out the males. Or you could make your own. DWC is easy and dirt cheap. you need low profile and easy. The other option has you growing 15 plants in a small space...
  18. J

    Hygrozyme? Who uses this?

    Snodegd. Have you been growing for years and then try the stuff? Or, did you use it on like your 2 or 3 grow and continue to use it? I just want to know more before I buy some.
  19. J

    dark Period End of Flower

    it seems like you could measure the buds then put them in the dark period and remeasure at the end. At least we could get a size difference.
  20. J

    Shock Ripening

    I would like to see the results. I dont understand all the nay saying. Its a concept not a fact. We need a Roll it up scientist on hand. I say, keep up the good work.