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  1. J

    My super grow co2 tent

    I used the co2 yeast thing and the main problem is the liquid gets too cool and slows yeast production so you have to put it on a warmer. I also plugged in my CPA 4 PPM and it never got above 300ppm, I just paid for the co2 bottle and regulator like a pro and works great.
  2. J

    Low PH like 4.5 to 5. But plants look healthy in week 3 of bloom

    I'd only use MG soil if I couldn't find hap frog or ocean . MG from what i understand has timed release nutes, so in a 3-4 month grow its still releasing veg or nitrogens when you want the other
  3. J

    Low PH like 4.5 to 5. But plants look healthy in week 3 of bloom

    what do you guys think dolomite lime vs garden lime? So is it 1 cup per gallon or 1 cup per cubic foot? I think it is 1 cup per cubic foot, because that would mean 5 cups in a 5 gallon bucket. Or 1 cup per cub foot means a gallon has 7.4 cubic feet per gallon right?
  4. J

    Low PH like 4.5 to 5. But plants look healthy in week 3 of bloom

    Final post, checked ph 48 hours after garden lime, ph back to 6.2 for most plants, some at 6 some at 6.4 but overall 3 tablespoons on the top in a 5 gallon bucket, 1 gallon water.
  5. J

    Low PH like 4.5 to 5. But plants look healthy in week 3 of bloom

    So I put in 3 tablespoons garden lime on top of soil per 5 gallon container, flushed with 1 gallon water (tap, 7.6ph 130ppm). 24 hours later checked ph around 6.0. Someone said some plants like low ph, but nutes are absorbed less at lower ph's.
  6. J

    Low PH like 4.5 to 5. But plants look healthy in week 3 of bloom

    I highly doubt I am ordering water from Colorado to adjust my PH, but thanks for the info. Normally I use the purified water from the machine in front of state brothers at 25 cents a gallon, test 0ppm and 7.0 ph
  7. J

    Low PH like 4.5 to 5. But plants look healthy in week 3 of bloom

    I am going to add 2 tablespoons garden lime to each pot tonight, top dress and flush with a few gallons get it mixed. This morning everything was about 4.8-5 ph. I checked my tap water is 7.6 with 130ppm solids, we are on public well water not recycled so as far as tap water goes I am not too...
  8. J

    Low PH like 4.5 to 5. But plants look healthy in week 3 of bloom

    to me, the untrained eye, ocean forest and happy frog are the same. Around here $12 a bag
  9. J

    Low PH like 4.5 to 5. But plants look healthy in week 3 of bloom

    SO I picked up a ph meter today at my hydro store. I am growing in 5 gallon buckets with happy frog have been using nutes per fox farm schedule. I checked my Ph have not watered in 2 days, like 4.5 to 5? Just to check I have a bag of happy frog unopened it says 6.5, so i guess meter is right. i...
  10. J

    is there such a thing as too many bud sites on a plant?

    i heard the stomata close up after 80, any truth to this?
  11. J

    is there such a thing as too many bud sites on a plant?

    I am running about 40% humidity, co2 at 1500ppm, and temps around 74-78 degrees fluctuates a little. I will trim a few off each day, the lowers only. I cloned before I went to flower and my clones have nice roots at 3 weeks, using those peat moss plugs and a tray with like 1 tsp grow big per...
  12. J

    is there such a thing as too many bud sites on a plant?

    I have like 60-70 bud sites each plant. blue dream hybrid, 5 feet tall in 5 gallon buckets of happy frog. using tiger bloom, big bloom, and a touch of beastie bloom per schedule. I am 3 weeks into flower. lots and lots of bud sites, everywhere on the plant. Nice little buds with white hairs and...
  13. J

    Top ten mistakes i made as a newbie first time grower

    #11. Buying clones and not having my grow area setup yet. Yes I did that and it cost me 5 out of 6 clones. Setup your area, organize cables and wires, get a grow tent that reflects your crops, i.e. 9 big plants can fill a 6X6 grow room pretty easy. Buy a light that is dialed in for seeds, veg...
  14. J

    Top ten mistakes i made as a newbie first time grower

    PS> Got my co2 setup today! Got a 10 lbs tank, cap ppm-4 and sentinel regulator for like $400, not bad, but the local guys hydro shop are friendly and have tons of advise. So far I have talked with them about veg and flower for probably 2 hours, yet no one really knows what anybody is really...
  15. J

    Top ten mistakes i made as a newbie first time grower

    Feel free to list them mistakes.
  16. J

    Top ten mistakes i made as a newbie first time grower

    My new clones will go into a hydro setup. Do you prefer a flow and ebb or aero setup?
  17. J

    Top ten mistakes i made as a newbie first time grower

    The above is 4 star advice. fox farm or ocean harvest 2-3 weeks planted before first nutes, learn to read your plants. start half nutes then stronger
  18. J

    Top ten mistakes i made as a newbie first time grower

    #4 i think is why my plants are so skinny. #7 is personal preference, no scientific evidence. as far as water goes i just want water without chlorine, next run i will get a nice filtration system. the water at the big water tank at stater brothers is 25 cents a gallon, tested 0ppm and 7.0 ph
  19. J

    Top ten mistakes i made as a newbie first time grower

    Do soil growers need to worry about max pm as much as hydro or aero? I am doing aero my next run.