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  1. H

    hydroponics or soil?

    Well said. Do what he says:clap:
  2. H

    Cleaning hydroton

    I just throw it out and start fresh personally. its cheap and take lots of time to clean.
  3. H

    Cleaning hydroton

    you should sterilize your hydroton between uses. H202 in a high dose should be very effective.
  4. H

    Build information needed please.

    I would probably just start with single dwc buckets. boring but super effective.
  5. H

    Build information needed please.

    Nice looking setup. most people would freak at only 6 plants under 4k but you know how well it works. kick ass
  6. H

    What is the best hydroponics system

    Dwc bubble buckets are your best choice. easy, cheap, great performance.
  7. H

    Temperature help Needed!!, New room, Need you advice

    Cooler res temps are always better than the warmer side. I don't think the fluctuation will have too much ill effect. 90 is too hot. It is a big job to properly set up and run a co2 enriched environment. I can give you many details but it will cost you many dollars to get it going the right way.
  8. H

    PH Buffers effect on PPM

    you don't count that as added ppm. Just as if you were adding other non NPK supplements, they do not count against your mixture. For example you could put a half a bottle of Hygrozyme in a 5 gal mix and your plants would not care but your ppm would be sky high.
  9. H

    Attempting a DWC lake water

    Even though its not going to have spectacular results. It is a good experiment and they will walk away with new found knowledge. But lol also
  10. H

    Strange Growth on buds.

    Yeah all is well there
  11. H

    Help. Spider mites!!

    You can also use power wash to rinse off the mighty wash or other pest control products before harvest.
  12. H

    need help 5 weeks into flowering 1 plant showing a male flower

    Go get a product called Reverse and spray it on your plants.
  13. H

    yellow leaves/then green

    That's Great. But you also have to understand how vague of questions get asked, That would have 11 million possible answers and or don't make any f'n sense anyhow.
  14. H

    yellow leaves/then green

    It is usually due to fast healthy growth during the first weeks of flowering. So your Doing good.
  15. H

    Speed controller for 6" vortex fan recommendations?

    You could also get a controller like the C.A.P. VSC-DNE. That will throttle your fan depending on what temp you set it to.
  16. H

    adviced on reflector

    Any wide spread hood such as a Raptor or an Ocho would be a good choice. The tents are great for reflection so I like to spread it out in a 4 square tent. your cool tube would work decent.
  17. H

    Hydro without mold?

    Don't let the top of your medium get soaked with your nutrient solution. They also make plastic lids to cover net pots/cups.
  18. H

    How to choose a suitable led grow light?

    It is hard to tell What is what for me. There are a lot of different company's trying lots of different techniques. None have proven them selves to be the best. Also from my research it seem you yield a true gram per watt. Which is double or more an HID light. All watts used to generate light...
  19. H

    What is the best light spectrum for growing cucumber?

    What kind of light are you using HID, CFL, T5????
  20. H

    monster bloom or big bud???

    You could half each if you wanted and most likely be fine. We get good reviews on both of those products btw.