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  1. Bezzin

    First grow, T5 fluorescents

    haha, for sure, but my t5 kicked ass in veg bro. Op, hope your house dont burn down while your away. Atleast zoey would be a survivor. Happy growin :leaf:
  2. Bezzin

    2x 90 watt ufo's + 1x 150 watt envirolite.

    What up stelth, This is my first time checkin out your thread and I gotta say, I love it. I'm doing a T5 grow right now and I'm just like you, wanting to move to an HPS but I wanna see what the T5's can do in flowering since everyone bashes them. Your grow is sick tho bro, you just got me all...
  3. Bezzin

    First grow, T5 fluorescents

    Op, what up RIU. So here's an update about my ladies. Everything is going good, did my last watering of Open Sesame on Wednesday. So now its on to the Beastie Bloom. I pulled my male about half a week ago and tried to make some hash, didnt really get anything but atleast I learned the process. I...
  4. Bezzin

    First grow, T5 fluorescents

    Thought I'd update today. Everything is going great! I have one more watering of open sesame then I'm on to Beastie Bloom. The plants are getting really tall, especially the sativa. I'm gonna have to get chains instead of these pulleys im using to hold up my lights. The pulleys only let my light...
  5. Bezzin

    First grow, T5 fluorescents

    Weedyweedy- Thanks for tunin in man, and yeah I actually think that's because i was messin around with it a little bit before i took the pics....I was lookin for hairs lol. Crazytrain- Thanks bro, I'll get some pics of the nodes as soon as I can snag a camera from work. My Iphone doesn't focus...
  6. Bezzin

    First grow, T5 fluorescents

    bump bump bump
  7. Bezzin

    First grow, T5 fluorescents

    Alright so today I moved the three bigger plants into flowering, About a week and a half ago I transplanted them into 3 gallon square buckets. I have 3 warm bulbs and 1 cool bulb in the t5 system. They are already showing pre-flowers, which I'm pretty sure the 2 bigger ones are female and the...
  8. Bezzin

    First grow, T5 fluorescents

    Alright so today is day 28 for my plants. I cant remember what day the other plants are on but I'm guessing around 2 weeks for the one in the red cups and 3 weeks for the other one. I have one question which i would really like some peoples opinion on, Should I transplant the three bigger...
  9. Bezzin

    First grow, T5 fluorescents

    So its been awhile since I updated my grow, I've run into a few problems that I'm hopefully gonna solve tomorrow. My temp during the day is running a steady 80-82F which I would feel better if it was more like 78F. I'm also pretty sure my pH is to low, I gotta get a better tester tomorrow...
  10. Bezzin

    brown spots, discoloration, wilting!

    I actually did check my pH after I watered with nutes and it was probably around 6.2, a little low but I didn't think it would cause so much damage. The problem is I have no money till Saturday so I don't know how to boost up my pH till then. Got any ideas? Also should i flush it out so there's...
  11. Bezzin

    brown spots, discoloration, wilting!

    Hey RIU, So my plants leaves are getting brown spots on the middle leaves, the bottom leaves are Grey and wilting, and my top leaves are starting to shrivel up at the sides. At first I thought it was phosphorus Def, So I gave them 1/4 nutes of ff for the first time, thinking it would solve the...
  12. Bezzin

    First grow, T5 fluorescents

    Thanks for checkin it out diesal, and for the tip on the t5s. I need to get some more so i can surround the plants. Haha! City hall! Thats when you know your a true stealth grower. It actually doesn't surprise me that a bunch of city officials smoke, everyone is smoking these days...
  13. Bezzin

    First grow, T5 fluorescents

    So today I gave my two bigger plants some FF Nutes, the big bloom and grow big, I figured out that one had Nitrogen Def. and the other one had Phosphorus Def. Hopefully the nutes take care of these Def. I'm thinking of buying an 400 HPS system this weekend. I found one on craigslist for $100...
  14. Bezzin

    mag deficiency.

    Imaulle is right man, I just got done reading that thread earlier today because my plants have the same problem. The thread is by Uncle Ben who's basically a genius when it comes to growing. My plants are doing the same exact thing and I've been told its chlorosis as well. Not trying to rag on...
  15. Bezzin

    First grow, T5 fluorescents

    Thanks for gettin back at me pattystaff. I'll drink a bunch of water and do that asap bro. I would normally be skeptic about giving my plants urine but I've read it multiple times that its a source for nitrogen, just didn't know if it actually worked. Ill let you know if it works out.
  16. Bezzin

    First grow, T5 fluorescents

    So I need some help on identifying why my leaves look like they do on the pictures below. Its happening to the first set of 3 set leaves. They're just withering up it looks like, and having some discoloration. Its happening to my other plant as well but the other one is just turning more yellow...
  17. Bezzin

    First grow, T5 fluorescents

    Alright pattystaff, I just got done reading your fridge grow. All I have to say is......NICE PURP ON THE BAGSEED!:bigjoint: haha. You probably could have vegged longer but that was an awesome grow. I bet it felt nice to smoke your own home grown....I can't wait till that time. I hope my bagseed...
  18. Bezzin

    First grow, T5 fluorescents

    This is my first grow, so any tips would be pretty chill.
  19. Bezzin

    Florida Growers Thread

    Anyone near Pensacola? Just moved here from WA...I'm liking the FL weather quite a bit.
  20. Bezzin

    First grow, T5 fluorescents

    So today is the two week point, how they look? One is smaller then the other one and has a little bit bushier growth. My seedlings are on day 4 and are looking good. I put a fan in my closet the other day to strengthen their stems....when should I add nutes for the two bigger ones? I have the...