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  1. Q

    My AeroGarden grow...

    i went ahead and cleaned out my res today and added 1/4 of the blooming nutrients. I will let the light stay on until 12am before switching them off and putting them on 12/12. probably buying an air rock too!
  2. Q

    My AeroGarden grow...

    oh and btw should i wait a day before cleaning the res and putting it to 12/12 or should i just do it right away?
  3. Q

    My AeroGarden grow...

    well i looked at my plant today and i pruned about 8 leaves off, i know its not a good idea but those leaves wern't getting any light and were dying so thats ok right? i am going to clean the res today and put it on 12/12. and i should cut the running water u say? and just leave it still? i dont...
  4. Q

    My AeroGarden grow...

    u remember the playstation 2? its the power cord...when u look at it, it looks like the number 8 with 2 holes on it, you'll know.
  5. Q

    My AeroGarden grow...

    and its of if the plant has 24/0 light right? i have been on 24 and the plant looks great! but since im going to be lowering it down soon to 12/12 should i start a 18/6 light cycle now? until i get my timer and etc...
  6. Q

    My AeroGarden grow...

    well i'll be buying the figure eight power cord and a timer asap, until then ill just let it grow with the new nutirents until i do.
  7. Q

    My AeroGarden grow...

    and how do i start the flowering stage? by putting it on 12/12 and adding blossom nutrients? i just topped the tank off and added some nutrients.....should i dump the water and clean it out then put it on 12/12? and when should i add the blossom butrients when i start the 12/12?
  8. Q

    My AeroGarden grow...

    no one? i know im new...but im no stranger=)
  9. Q

    My AeroGarden grow...

    o Here is my AeroGarden grow=) i just took some seeds from a friend and planted them in to the system and i got 2 plants out of 4. They both look very healthy and today i accidently broke the 2nd light bulb so its running on 1 with a lamp as well. I will probably let them grow for another 2...