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  1. P

    odor control

    besides a carbon filter what can be done for controlling the odor for five plants.
  2. P

    odor control

    Besides using a carbon filter what can be done to control the odor of 5 plants?
  3. P

    low odor or a nice odor

    I know northern lights has a low odor, but what are some other strains that are low low odor or a really fruity or spicy smell that someone would not think was marijuana. I need your help. If anyone has any comments on how the smell of northern lights is, I would love to hear.
  4. P

    What kind of soil for seedling to flower

    what is wrong with just using the mg organic soil with out the perlite and vermiculite. Teach me please.
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    --The Push To Legalize--

    hooorayy, if only this shit went down tomorrow.
  6. P

    What kind of soil for seedling to flower

    I know foxfarm is the best, but I can not afford the best as of now. What can I get from lowes or walmart that will work?
  7. P

    Northern lightS???????

    someone has grown this....
  8. P

    when to transplant and what size pots

    what size pots do I start off with from seeds? and then when do I need to switch and to what size?
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    Growing 12 12 from seed to harvest

    anyone have experience in this department? I'm wanting to know how much you yield?
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    Northern lightS???????

    Is this a short bushy plant? How is the smoke, smell, and high? Thank for your help guys
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    Shortest veg time?

    but with 12 12 from start how low are yields going to be? I'm using white widow.
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    using tap water for watering

    Is there anything I should Know about this. I've heard some people say tap water is bad. Is this true or is some peoples tap water not the right ph? Any info will be appreciated.
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    Highest yield?

    Would I have a higher yield growing white widow 12 12 from seed or and auto flower strain 12 12 from seed?
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    Shortest veg time?

    t5 lighting 40000 lumens in eight square foot, soil, foxfarm nutes, and no training.
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    Shortest veg time?

    if you skip veg, what is your yield like? I know you cant be exact but it is around half ounce or lower? with 5000 lumens per square feet.
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    Shortest veg time?

    What is the shortest time that you can veg a plant before flowering it?
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    growing with t5

    mine only has four bulbs. where did you get the one with eight
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    growing with t5

    How many people grow with t5 from seed to harvest? How are your outcomes
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    Autoflower pictures thread! All variety's free to post!

    can you grow these under a t5
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    lumens per square foot
