Search results

  1. P

    strain question

    lsd looks good. I waited to long and it sold out. I'm mad as hell. Someone tell us about it. I love this hobby.
  2. P

    Nirvana White RHINO or HINDU KUSH

    Give me some info please.
  3. P

    white widow smoke?

    alaskan Ice is going to the shit. I'm trying to find some strains that will scare my friends. Lsd From barny's farm is 24 percent, but they are sold out. I know thc level is not everything but to me it's a good indication that I'm going to scare my friends with my smoke. I want to try green...
  4. P

    09 Montreal area strain suggestions?

    Seedsman ATA TUNDRA finishes in 6 weeks. Says it is for cold climates. Its at attitude seeds
  5. P

    Plants survive 1.5 months without water???

    I would like to know to. The search button does not work for me anymore. Pisses me of, I love that button.
  6. P

    Nirvana White RHINO or HINDU KUSH

    Which one is going to knock me and my friends on their ass harder? Which do you prefer and why?
  7. P

    white widow smoke?

    my girlfriend said you made her wet with your explanation. We have to wait till the outdoor season before we get to grow. Thanks a million for your in depth explanation. we also bought some alaskan Ice, ww mixed with pure haze. I'm so excited.
  8. P

    How should I store my seeds

    How should I store my seeds until april? Some I will use for the next year. How should I store them? Thanks in advance.
  9. P

    attitude.. Crack Seeds

    I just got my order in today and had some cracked seeds. Can I do anything about it or do they not care? I sent an email.
  10. P

    white widow smoke?

    Thanks guys for all your comments. keep them coming.
  11. P

    How often to feed?

    HOw can I send you a private message? You seem to have knowlege
  12. P

    How often to feed?

    If I feed it with nutes, it wont make up for the shitty soil. Also is all soil in the wild shitty. What should I look for to make sure the soil is ok or good?
  13. P

    How often to feed?

    I can't carry in any soil. If i could I would. Sucks to hear you had shitty results. Are there any others who have had better results with regular soil? I hope so, because I really want my alaskan ice and white widow to thrive.
  14. P

    How often to feed?

    I'll be using the fox farm three set. Should i use the recommend dose on the back of half power or 1/4th power
  15. P

    white widow smoke?

    anyone else
  16. P

    How often to feed?

    How often would you recommend me feeding my plants with nutes if i'm using the regular soil from the ground at my location. I plan on watering once a week.
  17. P

    white widow smoke?

    can you explain how the high felt? how long did it last? how man hits you have to take? Was it up or down? Anything else you can think of will make me happy. Thanks for answering though. I appreciate it.
  18. P


    vote for this cause again and again and again. If you quit then you have been defeated. never give up.
  19. P

    white widow smoke?

    HOw is the high? Is it a one hit wonder? List others you have smoked and how it compares if you would like. Thanks for you time.
  20. P

    Best strain you have smoked?

    trainwreck, but i'm a newb. I have not tried that many strains.