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  1. U

    Why I'm voting NO on prop. 19

    Just took a little bit of reading to outsmart these selfish bastards.
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    Prop 19 Is BAD For Small Business.

    Yea, im sure you want to keep your monopoly, go fuck yourself. Our founding fathers said it should be legal and accessible to everyone, not you selfish fucks. Guess what im going to do when it becomes legal? Get a commercial license and sell it for $5 a gram, medical grade. Fuck your business...
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    Why I'm voting NO on prop. 19

    Sorry people, your little medical monopoly is over, your fucked, cannabis for all now.
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    Why I'm voting NO on prop. 19

    Actually, if you read the bill, you will see that you guys are wrong. Here you go! ZING!!! Medical users can still win in court, this doesn't change shit, except give them MORE rights. They cant just say they smell weed and bust you, they have to have a warrant and probable cause and mj is...
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    WARNING: Dis-information Campaigns On The Rise, Read Here

    Hello, this is just a warning to everyone that the dispensaries and shops currently protected under state law are trying everything in there power to convince the public that prop 19 will take away benefits from medical users, this is incorrect and they are spreading dis-information and lying to...
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    Why I'm voting NO on prop. 19

    Go ahead and start with factual evidence, i just provided multiple quotes from the proposition that proves, you are clearly, a liar.
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    Why I'm voting NO on prop. 19

    I think its you who are working for the dispensary.
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    Why I'm voting NO on prop. 19

    Does everyone here see where im getting at? Its CLEARLY obvious veggiegardener is spreading dis-information and blatantly LYING. He is not quoting any law from the bill or making any factual statements, I really hope the people reading this don't believe this guy. You know, for you lying to...
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    Why I'm voting NO on prop. 19

    Can you even read?
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    Why I'm voting NO on prop. 19

    Hey veggiegardener, find a new job, once this passes, everyone will have cheap access to this beautiful plant, and the option to grow there own for free, instead of going through high priced dealers who take advantage of medicals users.
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    Why I'm voting NO on prop. 19

    I really cant believe you...have you even read the bill? (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, it is lawful and shall not be a public offense under California law for any person 21 years of age or older to: (i) Personally possess, process, share, or transport not more than one ounce...
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    Why I'm voting NO on prop. 19

    First of all, co-ops will not become obsolete.
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    Why I'm voting NO on prop. 19

    Oh, by the way, the local police have absolutely no right to even enter your home to make sure you are following the growing area requirements, they will need a warrant to enter your premises. Probable cause will no longer work.
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    Why I'm voting NO on prop. 19

    Medical users can still grow according to prop 215, prop 19 does not effect you if your a medical card holder, well ok, it does. It gives you more rights.
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    Why I'm voting NO on prop. 19

    You are a complete liar, prop 19 does not prevent any rights that prop 215 gives. Your spreading dis-information. Why dont you give this article a read and educate yourself instead of spreading bullshit for your own personal gain.
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    Why I'm voting NO on prop. 19

    Yea man, i completely agree, its awesome. Not to mention there are plenty of loop-holes in the bill to grow more, and it never says how much each plant has to contain, you can have 2 lb plants 20 feet high as long as its in the sized area.
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    Why I'm voting NO on prop. 19

    Ok, go ahead, start quoting the bill word for word and prove your point, you have nothing to back up your claims, nothing.
  18. U

    Vote NO on prop 19... (great read for anyone that will be voting in november in cali)

    Thats called legalization. Nowhere in the bill does it state you have to pay taxes to grow or smoke your own, thats only if you want to sell it.
  19. U

    Vote Yes On Prop 19

    Ok, so just because it doesn't have legalize in the bill title your saying that the bill contents that legalize it are invalid? I dont see the logic in the argument your trying to make, the bill title does not determine the law what inside of it does.
  20. U

    Why I'm voting NO on prop. 19

    I've already done the reading, and its blatantly obvious medical users will gain tremendously and so will non-medical users.