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    Terrorism in North Carolina?

    When we are all slaves of the elites,you may change your mind about the right wingers.But probably not.Their plan is already underway and the fact that you defend it,is very disturbing.
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    exotic genetix

    Heres some Irish Cannonball.This is the true color of this plant.Thick neon orange hairs.Smells like strawberry cookie dough.Not the best yielder but very special plant.
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    exotic genetix

    Grease Monkey.This stuff is the best yet and its one of the first.Very gnarly looking and potent.
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    CSI humboldt thread

    Heres some pics of the Bubblegum S1.Very frosty pheno looks almost white.Very beautiful.And the high is even better.
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    CSI humboldt thread

    Yes,the bubblegum s1.It seems to be a very light feeder so it burned on me.I wasnt expecting much from it after that but I have to tell you,its my favorite strain right now.The high from this strain is very unique and relaxing.I have zero paranoia from it and it seems to put me in a relaxed...
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    Humboldt Seed Company (HSC) Thread

    Their Blue dream is not so great.Its total garbage in fact....
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    Humboldt Seed Company (HSC) Thread

    The mountaintop mint had exactly 0 mint terpenes in it.Kinda weird as most of their other stuff is close to what youd expect.
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    How long?

    Aparently,theres a few members on here that like over ripe buds and assume theres only one way to do things.What they dont realize,is that not everybody likes that.Not only that,but it increases your chances of having moldy buds.Unless you have a very controlled environment,you will get mold...
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    Flowers maturing early?

    HPLVD can cause these symptoms.Im going through something similar right now too.Is this a sealed grow room?Mine is sealed tight and I think it may be a build up of gases since I dont ventilate.I had a similar issue with a sealed veg room.The leaves were burning and showing deficiency till I...
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    Clown Royal by Second Generation Genetics

    I got 1 of these as a freebie and it was super nice.Potent and crazy resin.I was impressed.I bought some and only 3 out of a whole pack germed.Of those 3,none were keepers.Lacked resin and potency.I must have gotten lucky the first time.I also grew out Strawberry Recess.Same thing,low germ...
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    cooltubes hot or cold air? does it matter science

    Regular hps bulbs are in a vacuum so they are uneffected by cold air.DE bulbs are filled with gas.Cold air will cool the reflector and the surface of the bulb faster.It is not required though..Also,it takes very little air movement to cool reflectors.Put your hand on the reflector,is it cool to...
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    Yields at differant PPFD?

    Also,one of the main benefits to led lights,is that they are not single point lights as configured.The way to take advantage of this is to use smaller wattage led lights spread out over the same area.Single point lights have a hotspot in the center and get dimmer near the edges.So instead of 1...
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    Hesitant To Defoliate.

    You dont need or want to defoliate here.You want to prune them.Take off any leaf covering up a new growing lead.Spread them out so that they fill up the net.Then,after they are about 3-5 weeks into flower,you can defoliate.What you are doing is essentially moving the canopy down and allowing the...
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    Hesitant To Defoliate.

    Plants will eat more than they need.Its called nute burn.It can happen even if you dont give them too much nutes.If the humidity is too low,they will draw in more water and nutes than they need and burn.
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    Hesitant To Defoliate.

    This is exactly what you dont want to do.There is no reason to defoliate here.The purpose of defoliation is to allow the light to penetrate the canopy and get to the new canopy you created by defoliating.That requires a thick layer of leaves so that there is still a canopy after defoliation.The...