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  1. W

    Help! DWC CFL micro grow. White/yellow blotches

    Inspect your roots, if they are healthy... I don't see a problem that you should worry about.
  2. W

    Reflectors -vs- Lenses

    I think you will find a good reflector will give less light loss than a lens. I suggest you test.
  3. W


    Guy's I really don't understand why you persistently have to be negative. This thread is about micro-grows. The one LED that I have had tested for PPF is: Tested this one because at the time I was engineering my lamps, this was my number one competition on...
  4. W


    Thanks, have not seen this one before. The X-axis labels are corrupt in the picture, do you have this in Excel? Everybody's doing it does not make it right. Using it is silly science. I rather suspect it is closer to spot-on than useless. With the LEDvsHPS (see attached), the LED gets 52% more...
  5. W


    Yeah? Says what study?
  6. W

    WeedBulbs PowerBLUE CFL with HPS

    Maybe consider joining the Flat Earth Society...
  7. W

    WeedBulbs PowerBLUE CFL with HPS

    With CFL, it is not like LED where you can just put a few of them in a DIY luminaire and test. With CFL, thousands must be mass produced before testing can ensue. This particular thread is about augmenting HPS with PowerBLUE... there is nowhere that I claim PowerBLUE to be a complete grow...
  8. W

    WeedBulbs PowerBLUE CFL with HPS

    I can see why you call yourself grouch... ha. You can't blame physics on your opinion. There is no way that either of us can prove their opinion without testing. My opinion/theory is that since HPS has a buttload of light, much of which goes ignored... if the light is balanced with...
  9. W


    A cool factoid... if you combine one FlowerPOWER, one PowerBLUE and two PowerGREENS, you get white light. Good luck with your grow.
  10. W


    I can assure you that there is no shilling, lies and such. If you will remain civil, you will find that I am an inventor with the same goals as many in this forum... to help people grow weed faster, better, cheaper. My desire is to create and help. I and others will be doing grow test...
  11. W

    WeedBulbs PowerBLUE CFL with HPS I think we are trying to say the same thing... larger (higher wattage) luminaries have greater efficiency in HPS. See...
  12. W

    WeedBulbs PowerBLUE CFL with HPS

    I have attached two studies. I formulated the phosphor mix in VeggieMAX ( based on the "Blue Light Dose ..." study. I formulated the phosphor mix in PowerMAX ( based on both studies. Comparing a 1000 watt...
  13. W


    Hi All, I am a service disabled vet and today I am having a bad day health wise. I have the answers all are asking but will have to get back to you on another day.
  14. W

    WeedBulbs PowerBLUE CFL with HPS

    WeedBulbs PowerBLUE CFL with HPS I am looking for some people that want to test using WeedBulbs PowerBLUE ( in conjunction with HPS... at a deep discount in exchange for an honest review. Background Most everyone knows that HPS is notoriously...
  15. W


    Thanks for the patronage. The reviews on Amazon are a result of giving a deep discount for honest reviews on not the best but have to start somewhere. The reason I monitor this CFL forum on rollitup is that you guys are one of the few places on the net that discuss growing weed...
  16. W


    Yes, good catch! Targeted spectrum WeedBulb CFLs are about 90 to 95% as efficient as LEDs which are also targeted spectrum. However, I will go dollar for dollar against LEDs... because LEDs in a micro-grow are crazy expensive.
  17. W


    Sorry for the delay in getting back on this thread... have not been well for a few days. The current 24 watt WeedBulbs are targeted to micro-growers. You are obviously a jerk and are looking to poke fun at things you know jack about. An idea size grow tent/cab for 4 WeedBulbs lamps would be...
  18. W


    A blanket statement like that does not stand up to scrutiny. In general HPS street lights are more efficient than CFL street lights... but we are not talking about street lights. Targeted spectrum CFLs produce much more plant usable light per watt than HPS. Think about it.... this is the reason...