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  1. S

    Anybody Ever Grow Tobacco?

    I am growing some organic virginia tobacco, and yes it is legal if you are of legal age to possess tobacco. I also have some seeds for nicotiana rustica which has a nicotine percentage of 9% compared to regular tobacco(nicotiana tabacum) which is 1-3%. The intensity of nicotine is said to...
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    Marijuana to treat Alcoholism

    I am more interested to know if marijuana is commonly used as a treatment for depression. I also need to know if i need to see a "shrink" to either get him to sign my papers or get a letter of recommendation to my doctor so he will man up and sign it. Does anyone know if a "skrink" can sign my...
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    Marijuana to treat Alcoholism

    So does anyone know the governments "policy" for using MMJ for treating depression? American or Canadian, it doesn't matter, i have a fealing the policies are fairly similar. Any help would be great Thanks again all
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    Price of Bud if Legal

    Thanks buzz killington... But think if we turned all the excess hemp into bubblehash and honey oil.. come on now and be optimistic, what kind of stoner are you anyway??!
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    Marijuana to treat Alcoholism

    Sorry if you took what i said wrong, I understood what you meant, thats why i stress how dangerous a drug methadone is. How the government will give an addict methadone, a horrible drug, to treat another horrible drug, but wont give a good drug[marijuana] to treat a horrible drug[alcohol] is...
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    The "Explain your name" thread

    My name I was trying to think up some good pun about marijuana but everything good was taken so I just did my best. Now you can look at my name and go " HAHAHA Billy Bong Thorton" or whatever pun comes to mind. So i guess I was too lazy to think of something original HA.
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    Marijuana to treat Alcoholism

    I'm not in highschool or college and I have no co-workers, so its not quite that easy. Also, i need a source that is reliable and has the right stuff. And to grow illegally is to miss the whole point. See here
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    Price of Bud if Legal

    Health Canada has a company that grows some pretty good chronic in a mineshaft in Saskatchewan Price is $5/ gram no matter how many grams you buy. Now in the U.S. that may be considered extremely cheap but i can get QP's of mid grade...
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    Marijuana to treat Alcoholism

    I have grown it, but I'm tired of feeling like I am breaking the law to stay healthy. I also can't run the risk of being busted, I have worked too hard for what I have and I can't have it taken away from me over a plant. I don't plant to buy from dispensaries (especially since the nearest one...
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    Marijuana to treat Alcoholism

    I'm not sure I know what you mean by "kicked junk". To me junk is heroin, is this correct?
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    Anyone From Ontario?

    I recently got turned down by my doctor to sign my medical papers and I have a feeling it is due to the small, stuffy, conservative town I live in. I was wondering if anyone out there in weed land knew of a doctor ANYWHERE in Ontario who might be able to help me. Everything is 100%...
  12. S

    Medical marijuana advice

    some good advice to not start out on edibles if he has never toked before (or if its been a long time). plus rep for those of you. Start out small to give him the feel :). Be there with him to reassure him and make him feel comfortable. Stay with him while he does it for the first few times and...
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    Marijuana and Insomnia

    I think that Marijuana only works for insomnia on inexperienced users and you can not toke every night (like you would need to, because you need to fall asleep, everyday) and stay an inexperienced toker. I think the reason why it only works on less "seasoned" tokers is because at first being...
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    Marijuana to treat Alcoholism

    Thanks for the reply. Marijuana helps me not smoke cigarettes when I'm at home but unfortunately at work I cannot toke to relieve. Its good to hear Marijuana helped someone else overcome a poisonous addiction. I know I'm probably barking up the wrong tree considering most people on here are...
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    Medical marijuana advice

    I personally find Indica's to do a better job at giving me the "munchies". I find when I smoke a more sativa dominant I end up getting so preoccupied with something (mostly my garden...or just my mind) that I forget about food all together. I would suggest something in the range of 3/4 Indica to...
  16. S

    Marijuana to treat Alcoholism

    Seems like that might be a lot to read if you are stoned so let me summarize for those who don't care to hear my story. My doctor says he cannot sign my medical marijuana papers because marijuana is not used to treat alcoholism. Yet, marijuana was the only thing that got me, and has kept me...
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    Marijuana to treat Alcoholism

    I have been using marijuana for quite some time now to battle a long struggle of severe alcoholism and it[MJ] has been the only thing that has ever been able to turn me right off the booze. This, in essence, saved my life. During my years of alcoholism my life was spiralling out of control going...