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  1. H

    Just want to know if my gal(hopefully) is looking okay?

    I have yet to learn how to like posts lol
  2. H

    Just want to know if my gal(hopefully) is looking okay?

    That’s what I always thought. But I believed in that because I’m an avid vegetable gardener and have spent a lot of my time focusing on gardening outdoors. But it is so that my plant isn’t as bushy as I would have liked her to be by now, especially in comparison to what some have shared here...
  3. H

    Just want to know if my gal(hopefully) is looking okay?

    Hahahaha, literally headed that way now. Although, my Craigslist seems pretty lame. Which is really surprising considering where I am. But I’ll check everyday for any new updates.
  4. H

    Just want to know if my gal(hopefully) is looking okay?

    Haha in so many words, yes that’s exactly right. It does seem that the consensus is definitely to get an extractor fan in there, so I’m definitely going to look into it. I wouldn’t know if opening a door would help, but thanks for the heads up. I do have a minute before I start to flower, so...
  5. H

    Just want to know if my gal(hopefully) is looking okay?

    My kiddo doesn’t attend daycare yet, and I’m at home with them all day. And while growing this plant is something I’ve decided to do, it’s really not on my list of most important expenses. I was just asking if leaving my door open, to air it out and let the air move more would be okay enough to...
  6. H

    Just want to know if my gal(hopefully) is looking okay?

    I never planned to sell this stuff. This isn’t a business scheme for me, it’s a plant I’d like to enjoy without having to buy from other people. I never expected the quality to be grade a or to walk away with lbs upon lbs of bud. I’m a parent, and I keep as much money for my kid. Don’t mistake...
  7. H

    Just want to know if my gal(hopefully) is looking okay?

    Because my room has a/c, but I didn’t plan on leaving the closet door shut
  8. H

    Just want to know if my gal(hopefully) is looking okay?

    I can leave my door open, can’t I?
  9. H

    Just want to know if my gal(hopefully) is looking okay?

    Okay! So- Here’s my new light, reflector case, and ballast (all for under $100 because the owner is super great). Should I wait until flower to use the big 600watt? Or go ahead now?
  10. H

    Just want to know if my gal(hopefully) is looking okay?

    It’s just the bulb and ballast... could I maybe make some sort of reflector myself with tinfoil?
  11. H

    Just want to know if my gal(hopefully) is looking okay?

    So I may have found a 600watt ge bulb and ballast for $90 at my local hydroponic store (the owner is cutting me a deal). Is that a sufficient light for my plant during flower if I just have one? With my fluorescents to supplement?
  12. H

    Just want to know if my gal(hopefully) is looking okay?

    I figured that was why they had given them up, but I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to have grow lights for free. Especially since my budget is ridiculously low.
  13. H

    Just want to know if my gal(hopefully) is looking okay?

    Like I said, I sort of stumbled across the lights I currently have serendipitously because they were free and went from there. Would it be bad to use them and the t5 LED I mentioned during flower? I’m desperately trying to stay under $50 if I possibly can, and definitely under $100. I know it...
  14. H

    Just want to know if my gal(hopefully) is looking okay?

    The lights that I have I was gifted by my local hydroponic store for free (someone dropped them off who no longer wanted them) so I decided to make use of them since lights can be really expensive. The lights were the scariest part for me as far as getting the plant growing was concerned...
  15. H

    Just want to know if my gal(hopefully) is looking okay?

    Oh no, fluorescents are the only lights I have currently... I was thinking of getting another T5 LED bulb with 2000+ light lumens here pretty soon for supplemental lighting, do you think that’ll do the trick during her flower? Along with mainling her? And I have a real amateur set up, haha...
  16. H

    Just want to know if my gal(hopefully) is looking okay?

    I’m definitely somewhere warm, I’m in Texas. Up until recently our sunlight was still big and bright, with temps in 70-80. But man, she sure doesn’t look like that one bushy plant. :/ I’m planning on getting another light, just one t5 LED bulb to suspend above her so that she can have light...
  17. H

    Just want to know if my gal(hopefully) is looking okay?

    I feel that all is well with her, but I’m hoping that those of you who probably know what you’re looking at way better than me can help me be sure. I’m a seasoned gardener (veggies), but this is my first of her kind. She’s a black jack plant, and came from a package of organic, unfeminized...