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  1. C

    The 30 minute 6 plant aero build

    This is the post I was talking about. So it says to use 2" net pots. Do I take the seedling, put it in rock wool, and then cover the top of the pot? Once the roots grow, I transplant this to the 3" pot in the x6? How would I do this? Wont the roots get all tangle up in the small pot? Wy...
  2. C

    The 30 minute 6 plant aero build

    Fletch, This is an amazing thread! Demystifies what is happening and makes it look easier than soil. I am 99% sure I am going to build or buy this box, but still tryin to figure out a few things. I want to go from seeds to a full aero, SOG grow. On the second page of the thread, you show a...
  3. C

    MY 800 Watt Grow Plan

    I'm not going to use soil. Maybe hempy, maybe hydro setup.
  4. C

    SOG, Cloning w/o Mother?

    I am planning a SOG setup. Was wondering if it is realistic to start clones from SOGs in flowering. Just take clones from lower branches. This way I wouldnt have to keep a tent with mothers and could save elec. ??
  5. C

    Husband & Wife's 3rd Grow. Big Bud & Northern Lights

    This is a great tent, like the one I am building.
  6. C

    MY 800 Watt Grow Plan

    As I learn more about growing, my plan has changed quite a bit. I am now planning a SOG grow with aero or hydro... New plan to follow later in thread.... PLAN 1 (Old Plan) Hi. I have have read the FAQs and so many threads that my head started to spin. Now I have got a grip on what I need...
  7. C

    4x250Watt HPS from single 1000Watt Ballast?

    I've been researching light for first grow. A HPS setup seems the ticket. Because its not a full height basement, I want to use 4x250Watt HPS and am wondering if I can use a single ballast kit. The ballast kit im looking at is...
  8. C

    Light Selection and Square Footage?

    Thanks man. Two small 250s... How close can I put these to the rafters? Dont want to burn the house down!
  9. C

    Light Selection and Square Footage?

    The dilemma I have in using really hot lamps is that the area is only 4-5 feet tall. Doesnt the HPS need to be several feet from the plant? I think I will have to use a huge array of flouros. SO lumen per lumen, can the floros give as good a result as hps?
  10. C

    Light Selection and Square Footage?

    Ventilation.. .. The whole area is the size of a house, probaby about 800sf down there. I was going to run a fan through the "tent" to blow off the plants. I doubt a 400 watt bulb will raise the temp more than 5 degrees down there. I could be wrong. If so, I can vent to the outside... may...
  11. C

    Light Selection and Square Footage?

    Hi, I am planning my first grow. I have read the beginner's guide and many threads, but there are a few things I'm not clear about regarding light choice and size of grow room. The area I have is an unfinished shallow basement about 4-5' high that runs the length of the house. It is always...