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  1. kenc138

    Plants Refusing to be Sexual - No balls, no vag

    Hey everyone, Growing some Maui Wowie from seed as my first grow. So far so good, but it's always been my understanding that when you flip to 12/12, you should see SOME kind of evidence of flowering. It's been 11 days since I switched and changed lighting to 2700k. My closet is completely...
  2. kenc138

    Curled Leaves/Missing Leaves - Would Like Opinions

    Sounds good. I used a moisture tester earlier and it registered in the bad zone i.e. too wet even though they have good drainage. My temp is around 80 consistently and RH is 50. Has to be the watering methinks.
  3. kenc138

    Curled Leaves/Missing Leaves - Would Like Opinions

    Thanks for the replies. Bird, I'm not sure what you mean by "If you have a plant that is consistently missing a pinky It's a highbred from the NS." Please elaborate. Thanks!
  4. kenc138

    Curled Leaves/Missing Leaves - Would Like Opinions

    Hi folks, Still working on my first grow, so I'm watching everything with obsessive tendencies. I'd like some opinions on whether these plants are growing right since I'm starting to see some leaf curling. Also, the bottom leaves are odd. A few of them are missing growths (an MJ leaf should...
  5. kenc138

    Transplanting Circus

    Hey everyone, I did my first transplants yesterday for my first crop ever. It was quite the scene. I managed to get the plants moved over, but things were a little less than smooth. The plants flopped over and the roots balls were exposed on the move. What kind of resilience does cannabis...
  6. kenc138

    Retarded Cotyledons?

    Sounds good, I'll give it a whirl.
  7. kenc138

    Retarded Cotyledons?

    Good to know, ty. Done. Dropped the plants by about 6".
  8. kenc138

    Retarded Cotyledons?

    He folks, What's up with these cotyledons? I thought they were supposed to lay open flat. These are rigid and upright. The first leaves seems to be growing in nicely though. Thoughts? :bigjoint:
  9. kenc138

    Flat Seedlings

    Ha, it's torture! I could use a lesson from Yoda right about now. Maui Wowie, you?
  10. kenc138

    Flat Seedlings

    Ty sir! Will wait it out.
  11. kenc138

    Flat Seedlings

    Hey guys, first time grower here. Below are my first 4 seedlings. They popped up this morning. the top-right and bottom-right are doing well, but the other 2 are just lying flat on top of the soil. Is this par for the course? Thanks!
  12. kenc138

    Germination (Paper Towel) Issue

    Good to know, thanks. Looks like a few more broke open in the last few hours :)
  13. kenc138

    Germination (Paper Towel) Issue

    I wonder if the time it takes to germinate is an indication of the health of the seed or predictive of how it will grow once it reaches vegetative? It just seems weird how seeds form the same strain pop at different times.
  14. kenc138

    Germination (Paper Towel) Issue

    Hey roesn, Good to know. I'll keep at it and hopefully start posting some great pics of the grow soon. Cheers.
  15. kenc138

    Germination (Paper Towel) Issue

    Hey everyone, This is my first time growing so chances are I'm over analyzing normal seed behavior. I started germinating 5 Maui Wowie seeds about 40 hours ago. All 5 sunk using the water method, then I moved to the paper towel after 1 day, covered with 2 plates, and placed on top of my cable...