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  1. C

    What is this?

    Looks like all calyxes, hard to tell cause the picture is dark but I would say all buds there.Harvest time is purely preference I would see what others think.:peace:
  2. C

    Cow manure,chicken litter or bat guano?

    I wasn't laughing about using it as fertilizer you probably could I was laughing at the term chicken "litter", around here we just call it manure,sh*t,poop,crap just never heard it called "litter" before.I had this picture of a rooster taking a dump in litter box as i was reading this post.Sorry...
  3. C

    Cow manure,chicken litter or bat guano?

    wouldn't that be something........Litter box trained chickens.Chicken litter, how silly!:lol:
  4. C

    Hermie or Calyx? w/ Good Pics!

    um no, an unformed seed may be an indicator of pollination or even self pollination but it doesn't make it a "hermie" both set's of sex organ's on 1 plant makes it a "hermi". Whats in the op's picture is simply a large swollen calyx .
  5. C

    Look At This Drug Bust!!!!

    this bust was done by US DEA and Mexican law enforcement "March 20, 2007 –– The $207 million dollars pictured above was seized from chemical brokers that were supplying chemicals to Mexican cartels to manufacture huge quantities of methamphetamine—most destined for the United...
  6. C

    Why do people

    I had some of this last year and it was fantastic! I was wondering what cross created this lovely strain but couldn't find any info. You just made my day! The smell of this stuff was just amazing, and the flavor was divine.