Hermie or Calyx? w/ Good Pics!


Well-Known Member
if you pull one off and they is a unformed seed in the sac, then it will be hermie.
if they is nothing inside then its ok.


Well-Known Member
what strain are you growing , also what lights.
do you have a timer, and is your flowering space light tight in the dark period of 12/12?.


Active Member
Those look hermie to me. I just pulled a few of mine off because i thought they were odd and they had seeds in em. :(. You should prolly split one of em open and check if that matters to you, if not, leave it be.( didn't matter to me, i'ma still smoke it.)


Well-Known Member
i get those on plants sometimes its just like a solo chunk of nug if you pull it off and smell it it smells great huh?


Active Member
Thanks alot for the quick reply's guys.

I have a feeling that they are calyx's but this mistake has been made before. :cry: They are pointy and the pointy end is away from the stem.

They are under 600hps, with digital timer, and completely locked out from light.

When the little thing was cracked open it did have 'something' in it. It was tiny compared to the size of the pod. If it were a male sack it wouldnt have seed in it anyway??


Well-Known Member
I have this same problem.. Mine showed sex a few days ago, and has white hairs coming out of the calyx's. But there was one calyx that did not have any white hairs coming from it, and was pointing away from the stalk. I really hope mine is not a hermie either. I pulled it off anyways.


Active Member
if you pull one off and they is a unformed seed in the sac, then it will be hermie.
um no, an unformed seed may be an indicator of pollination or even self pollination but it doesn't make it a "hermie" both set's of sex organ's on 1 plant makes it a "hermi".

Whats in the op's picture is simply a large swollen calyx .


Active Member
Does light of any kind during the photo period,even just a glow through some shower curtain type material have potential to create a hermie?


Well-Known Member
keep watching em if they are hermie they will start to havethe little bannana clusters e gpot one that started showibng those after like 6 weeks and it looks dank so we cant bring ourselves to pull it this late so we been cutting off all the banannas everyday with exacto knife and so far we dont se ay seeds anywhere


Well-Known Member
doesnt look like a hermie to me.. a couple grows ago i had a freak incident, where a ball or three started growing, i ripped them off and they never came back, plant yielded 1.5 oz and had about 8 seeds in total
anyone want ot take a stab at this one? I have heard two different opinions, one: its a hermie and pull it, and two: its a calyx and let it go.