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  1. M


    i am using t5s
  2. M


    hey thanks i got sum pics up take a growing indoors and im using rockwool
  3. M


  4. M


    my plants are a week old and one seem to be leaning to the side is this normal and wen shud i start adding nutes.
  5. M

    First Grow need help

    seeds just cracked open starting them in rockwool. how much light and how much water do i run for the first week any advice is helpful
  6. M

    need help good lights for veg room

    I hav t5s also so i guess im ok if ur good
  7. M

    need help good lights for veg room

    wats up guys i recently botsught a darkroom tent 36/36/81 I am starting 4 plants from seeds and i wantd to bring them to mothers so i can get clone cuttings. i just bought 2 24-watt fluorescent lights will this his be enough lighting for a room this size or do i need another light scheme. any...