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  1. jmatarazzo


    Ok. my plant is about 2 weeks old. its doing everything that its suppose to be doing. its just doing it on a small scale. its already has 7 finger leaves, and i think its starting its 3 node, but its not even 5 inches.tall. it has a huge root system. so is it growing down and not up? i want to...
  2. jmatarazzo


    sorry the cfl's are a little closer
  3. jmatarazzo


    Hello my plant is sprouting leaves like crazy. its only 13 days old, but it doesn't seem to be getting any height. the light is 18 inches away. the plant is only 3 inches high.but almost 7 inches across. I was expecting it to be growing up more than across. Its a pineapple chunk. So is this...
  4. jmatarazzo

    To nute or not to nute?

    Well it popped on the 3rd,and im hoing to use floragrow.
  5. jmatarazzo

    To nute or not to nute?

    My plant is 12 days old. Just been using foxfarms ocean forest and water. When do i start adding nutrients?
  6. jmatarazzo

    Mix and match

    I was just going to go to homedepot. I thaught plants just needed a but ton of light. The more the merrier. Im not trying to be a horticulturalist. I just want to grow some decent weed for the wife so we can have some fun in the sack. The little girl is thriving like crazy. Day 13
  7. jmatarazzo

    New pot

    Got her in her new pot for now. And in just the 20 hours i was able to see a big difference.
  8. jmatarazzo

    Mix and match

    Im sorry i said 400 led. I ment the equivalent off 400 watt cfl. They are the 5000 lumens. I was going to throw like 3 of those in the tent. So i figured with the 3 leds plus the small cheap led panel that i didnt list previously,and 3 of those big cfls that should be more than enough .this is...
  9. jmatarazzo

    New pot

    I did have holes poked in the bottom of the cup. But i actualy transplanted it today. When i took it out of the solo cup it had a real nice root system.
  10. jmatarazzo

    Mix and match

    I was going to go with led that are equivalent to 400 watt.
  11. jmatarazzo

    New pot

    Well i just did the transplant. Oh boy it needed it. Look at the size of these roots. This is a barneys pineapple chunk. Its growng awesome and fast. This was just a seed in a wet paper towel on july 30th.
  12. jmatarazzo

    New pot

    Ok. I got 1 wait and 3 now. Any tips on replanting. Should i start using nutes yet or wait. Using foxfarms ocean forest soil. And my first nutes will be general hydro grow..
  13. jmatarazzo

    New pot

    By the looks. I would say this is the first node. I did cut the first 2 permanent leaves off because they got light burned. So is that 3 weeks total or 3 weeks more?. Lol
  14. jmatarazzo

    New pot

    So its been 11 days of groing in the solo cup. How much longer till it goes into a larger pot? I put it in the tent yesterday and i can see a difference in just the one day.
  15. jmatarazzo

    Any info?

    Ive moved it into the tent with more light. But keeping the light further away. Also not watering it so much. She is thriving. I also cut off the 2 leaves that were burnt to death.
  16. jmatarazzo

    Mix and match

    I baught the lamps online somewhere. The have one blue and six red. They are extremely bright. My plant is about 10 days old. Still in the solo cup.her are a few pics of its home in the tent.
  17. jmatarazzo

    Mix and match

    The tent is 3ftx3ftx6ft high. The led lamps are 21 watts and i have 3 of them. Im only doing one plant at a time
  18. jmatarazzo

    Mix and match

    Here is a crazy question. I have three 21 watt led's. (They have seven 3 leds per bulb). Could i add a few more cfl to my tent...
  19. jmatarazzo

    Any info?

    By the way. The bag has been of since day 2. Picture is to show how much light it was getting.
  20. jmatarazzo

    Any info?

    So a 21 watt led is to strong? How far should it be too be safe. I kept it close because i didnt want it to grow long and thin. I was trying for a shot and wide plant.