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  1. drdankodstanko

    Thousands of Forums about Growing Weed

    I just have this dream that if everyone quits smoking shwag all together gives up on it and no one touches it that it just won't exist and all you'll be able to find is dank ass nuggs because that's all anyone will smoke. Oh what a wonderfull world that would be. Dank quality dirt prices...
  2. drdankodstanko

    Thousands of Forums about Growing Weed

    If all your trying to do is get fd up more power to you but I perfer to enjoy lifes finner things sorry if I offended you
  3. drdankodstanko

    Thousands of Forums about Growing Weed

    No way dude you are way out of line just saying.... its not a weed its a medicine and if your not smoking higher quality buds or just growing shwag then your killing the whole idea of it. If your forced to consume masive amonts of smoke just to feel the effects what's the point. I'm with you...