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  1. K

    What Happened?? Pics ->

    so after i tie it down how long do i leave it tied and do i tie it down the other way after??
  2. K

    What Happened?? Pics ->

    thanks, im trying it right now, does this create more spots for buds??
  3. K

    What Happened?? Pics ->

    Thanks for the help LZ, I still got hope for it and you know what they say, "learn from your mistakes"
  4. K

    What Happened?? Pics ->

    the last picture shows where it was, you can see the other leaf on the other side
  5. K

    What Happened?? Pics ->

    I topped my plant and a bottom leaf and both never grew back, so what I'm asking is if this plant will still have a cola or not give any buds at all? And is it a wasted plant already? Any help or past experience is welcomed
  6. K

    When to flush

    You ever smoked chemical bud? Hahah
  7. K

    When to flush

    What if im using a non organic fert for veg but only use organic fert for flower? Do I need to flush before switching?
  8. K

    Flowering back to veg

    oh i see so this only causes some stress which makes it growth stunt?
  9. K

    Flowering back to veg

    Any help?????
  10. K

    Flowering back to veg

    How bad is it if you switch the cycle back to 18/6 from 12/12??? i would say i think i changed the cycle to early but i know people do 12/12 from seed so not worried about that but i wanted to yield a bit more and flower and harvest all my plants at the same time. So anybody ever did this? Go...
  11. K


    yup thats how hahah mahalo my bradda
  12. K


    haha you know lol thanks man been wondering where all the HI braddahs at
  13. K


    anybody else???
  14. K


    So I got Duckfoot seeds and I've been reading and researching and people have been saying that its more for outdoors because of its height but more so because it doesn't look like a typical cannabis leaf buuuut I'm growing indoors so "height" is kind of a problem. So will topping keep it short...
  15. K

    Do seeds expire

    Like title says. I have 14 duckfoot seeds and was wondering if these will die if not planted right away? I have them in a container in my fridge ( heard it suppose to help keep it alive) but if his is wrong please lmk so I can take it out. Any advice or past experiences is helpful thank you
  16. K

    2 different soils

    Well right now I'm using black gold, I think it has some nutes inside. And I'm not sure what soil I'm gonna get
  17. K

    2 different soils

    So I ran out if soil and I was wondering if I can mix two different soils? Any advice or past experience is helpful and some good soil Thanks
  18. K

    Pre Flowers

    True very true hahaha yah i gotta do more research, cause words like SOG, pheno, aerocloner just get me confused, thank god for google, but yah i just noticed some white specs on one of my leafs idk if its mold or mildew or webbing from spider mites but i haven't notice any spider mites since...
  19. K

    Pre Flowers

    So if i do succeed in the reveg process, haha can i flower them again or no? and if so is the THC in buds just as strong as the first time or does it lower as you keep Reveg and Re flowering?
  20. K

    Pre Flowers

    ok thanks DB, so the more you Veg the more you yield?